Well, it did glow when goblins were near....
Well, it did glow when goblins were near....
Well, it did glow when goblins were near....
Well, it did glow when goblins were near....
I have a new benchmade knife that I’ve had to sharpen, but the one that was lost--I never once sharpened it in that 20 years. The tip probably needed it, but the main part of the blade really didn’t.
I have a new benchmade knife that I’ve had to sharpen, but the one that was lost--I never once sharpened it in that…
This article needs more sagaci... errr cowbell.
No you’re not.
Amazing stuff! I’ve never been a fan of the Elves/Eldar looking like greek goddesses though.
Part of me wants to click the star and the other part of me wants to click the “banish from this material plane with extreme prejudice” button.
Fight me.
Counterpoint, cake exists only as an icing-delivery device. Cake itself is mildly-flavored garbage bread.
Ah, fair enough.
“What’s obvious is that Bell misread his market. “
Says the person offended enough to reply snarkily...
Counterpoint: commercial agreements that are designed to extract rents through social and unavoidable relationships are bad.
I am genuinely impressed that someone was able to write the words, “fresh side scroller” and still remain part of the material plane. Bravo!
Hahahahaha! The joke is that Messier doesn’t *have* a septum!
You’re right, your reply of pedantry is way better than anything I said.
“doesnt going for it on fourth down make it even more dramatic?”