
I actually hate this printer. I might have just gotten a bad one, but it will not stay connected to my network no matter what I do. I’ve given up and just connect over USB.

I actually hate this printer. I might have just gotten a bad one, but it will not stay connected to my network no

Going to be honest. As much as this product has a geek factor—for the backpacking I do, it is simpler and less weight/volume to just bring a whisperlight and a smaller-size powerbrick. And when I don’t backpack—it’s just easier to bring/use a campstove. Throw in weather and the fact that some places may not have wood

Going to be honest. As much as this product has a geek factor—for the backpacking I do, it is simpler and less

Yeah, that might be a bit ungenerous. I might say it more like, it was pretty clear that they didn’t have much of a connection to or appreciation for films of that era and they were only interested in cursorily acknowledging it’s seminal value.

Yeah, I got that wrong. I meant Buster Crabbe.

Agreed. In a similar vein (and Charles mentions it above) I did recently watch Blade Runner with my 14 year old. In the scene with Decker and Rachel, I had to pause the movie and say, “you know, that’s pretty much textbook sexual assault...” and thinking to myself that I didn’t remember that scene like that.

Interesting. Who coined that? Googling did not help me.

Try watching Weird Science again. Oof. I remember my dad saying how much he loved Buster Keaton as Buck Rodgers and how many of his friends would go see them. Hugely influential, but unwatchable today.

Yeah, I guess I’m confused too. I think humans in general have a very difficult time evaluating things in the context they should... EVEN when they explicitly identify that context, explain that context, and admit the movie should be evaluated in that context. Then they proceed to evaluate the film against current

10 minutes of boiling

Boy scout guidance is 10 minutes, but that’s rando water you find in a swamp.

Oh yeah, I realized that. But the idea that the populace’s reaction to a nuclear attack would be so orderly as to remember and take the time to fill out a form, and that correspondingly there would be enough government employees or military left that collecting the forms would be even remotely a priority is to be

Regardless of her intent, the “basket of deplorables” was heard by them as not only ignoring them, but actively showing disdain for them.

I did this in 2003 when I was with IBM. I spread two weeks paternity leave into took 2 days/week augmented with leave I had left over from PwC to take 2 days/week for about 9 weeks after my wife went back to work. We eased our son into daycare and I got to spend some quality time with him.

Perhaps it’s the ridiculous amount of auto tune?

Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti...

So, exactly what do we expect to learn about these characters? Sequels, books, whatever tend to succeed when there is substantially more character development. Hard to believe there’s much we need to or want to know about Quaritch or even Weaver’s character. 

I like the *idea* of pentatonix and love a cappella, but SO MUCH AUTOTUNE...

This is great... except for car keys which are monstrosities.

This is great... except for car keys which are monstrosities.


Just to be clear, most likely humans escaping to other planets will only be enough to continue the human race, not any significant number of humans.