
Looks like they decided patrolling the oceans after the last movie was a prudent step...

That’s the likely answer, yes. And I know the cynical answer is: b/c they want to make a sequel and as Jersey said, “giant robots are awesome”.

Can’t argue with that!

Given the ending of the first film, why would humanity continue investing in building Jaegers? Confused.

I guess I would just say this, as a Methodist myself: why do you believe that you *know* what God’s will is? e.g., “...anything apart from that is an abomination in God’s eyes...” and why isn’t that hubris?

And there are service fraternities that act irresponsibly and “other” fraternities that do good work and serve their members well. Any organization (fraternity or not) is capable of losing its way when their focus moves from their objectives to preserving their organization and culture.

Real turtles or don’t waste my time... ;)

Thank for the information, wow.

I didn’t mean to. We got a good bit of Civ-E in my undergrad classes. I just wanted to be clear I’m not qualified to speak in that domain.

Thanks, that helps! They probably should have known how easily they could compromise the second building, so massive failure of the demo process.

Same here. You said it much more eloquently than I.

I’m an engineer (not a civil engineer) and not an architect, but I really don’t understand how this demolition could have ended any other way. Those houses were so close together (and who knows how they were connected), I just don’t see how one act (demo of the first) could have avoided affecting the other.

Thanks for that image. I *had* an empty slot tonight in my little agenda book of nightmares, but now it’s filled.

No, however, one of the defined (generally-accepted socialogical definition, not dictionary) components of racism is the power dynamic. So I was responding to the specifics of this particular issue, which include a white (majority power), male (gender power), government leader (legal power).

It was ignorant and dismissive on it’s face. The racism isn’t direct.

The problem I have with this suggestion is that in my experience (here in Washington DC), it is usually HR that asks as part of pre- or post- interviews and their response to me saying “I keep that confidential” is well we’ll just find out anyway. I’m not sure this has the power you think it might.

Let me find my “shocked” face... it’s around here somewhere... I need to put it on to hide my normal “hideous” face.

This makes sense because my father always told me that HOPE IS A PLAN. Wait... that doesn’t sound right... he said hope is NOT a plan.
