Snake Charmer

Again, you're comparing what we may find out there to what we know of on Earth. Who's to say there isn't a gas giant out there with sentient helium breathing balloons floating around in the atmosphere. Instead of brains, their skin is covered with a neural network and, instead of eating, they get their energy from the

I keep wanting to add "as we know it" to several of these sentances. As it is all still just an educated guess. We do not know for sure that some form of life can not form. Just not life as we know it.

Lol, you win sir

Given the immense size of the galaxy, not to mention the universe, I'd say Earth is a tiny ant hill.

I always knew the Aliens guy was from Mars! Light gravity makes the hair stand up.

I agree, and the truth may be more terrifying, that they are so far ahead of us we can't even fathom their intellect or technology and that we are nothing more than ants to them.

What if.... Every sentient race gets to a point where they want to explore the universe. Science, the ultimate truth of things, dictate that their only way to achieve this is to develop faster than light travel in the form of wormholes, tearing through space and time. But once open they cant close the hole, and that

Yeah, but which two?

Muppets From Mars! Okay, we've got the title, when is the movie coming out?

Two of the photos in this article were taken on another planet. Just let that sink in for a second.

It's possible that other intelligence and civilization has died off elsewhere. Or that it is stuck on a planet without the resources to go beyond a hunter/gather or agrarian.

That's how I see it too. Let's just pretend for a moment that Star Trek's subspace communication method is real. We sure don't know how to listen for anything like that.

Wikipedia says that the CN Tower pour was over a period of about 8 months so they must be using the term in a different context.

As it alludes in the article, some areas can't handle such a large continuous pour.

Except its not, depending on how you frame "continuous" pour. Building "structure", then its the CN Tower which has the, "main concrete portion of the tower was laid in a continuous pour, requiring 40,523.8 cubic metres of concrete". Or is this Largest Continuous foundation pour?

It seems to me it's likely that any older civilizations would have moved so far beyond us that we wouldn't even know what to look for. Highly unlikely they're still using radio or any other form of communications we'd recognize. We'd also be as interesting to them as ants are to us. Earth is a giant ant hill.

You can do it even faster if you have a key punch, and they'll look like the original key that came with the lock, not a copy.