Snake Charmer

The 20 volt max batteries are the way to go. If you watch Home Depot carefully you may be able to pick up a two pack for $99, the same price a single 20 volt max usually is.

The 20 volt max batteries are the way to go. If you watch Home Depot carefully you may be able to pick up a two pack

You obviously didn’t watch the Chargers/Falcons game? I felt like someone took Lucille to my head after that one.

Are you saying the Cardassians blew the lander out of the sky? This means war!

This is what I do. Running Plex server on a Raspberry Pi, costs about $15 a year in electricity runing 7/24. Running local also gets around the data cap from my internet provider.

The Sumerians claimed a large planet orbited between Mars and Jupiter. When struck by another planet, part of it fell inward towards the sun and became Earth, the rest formed the asteroid belt. The Sumerians were smarter than us?

As per Zecharia Sitchin’s translation of the Sumerian tablets, they thought there was a planet between Mars and Jupiter which was hit in this manner. Part of that planet moved closer to the sun and became Earth, the rest became the asteroid belt.

To be fair, it wasn’t Sitchen who originally said all this, it was the Sumerians, 7000 years ago! The question is... who told them? Queue the Ancient Aliens guy.

I’ve been running 7/24 on a Raspberry Pi 2 for some time, uses about $8 of electricity a year? Drawback is, you have to transcode ahead of time on a more powerful computer.

Apparently, it’s time to listen to some Billy.

Wow! That must be one hell of a super computer we’re living inside of if it can simulate all that.

Re-read the comments, look for another comment I made. If it hasn’t been taken down, you’ll find your answer.

The comics aspect is now pretty much covered by the Comic Fest. Started by some of the the same people who created Comic-Con.

Says it works with Cortana. I like the idea of just saying “Hey Cortana, pause music” or “Hey Cortana, play next episode of Golden Girls” instead of walking over to my computer and doing it with that old fashioned mouse.

I have never watched Seinfeld, I’ve not watched Breaking Bad, I’ve not watched Game of Thrones. I’ve barely turned on a TV in 10 years. In fact, my only TV is a 25" CRT I bought 25 years ago. I have however watched Walking Dead, streaming. Maybe that’s because I am a zombie?

Shew! Because I can’t think of anything else that makes my voice sound funny. Besides getting kicked in the nards.

Aww great... now my town of San Diego has the longest title drought. Thanks a lot Cleveland.