Snake Charmer

The comics aspect is now pretty much covered by the Comic Fest. Started by some of the the same people who created Comic-Con.

Aww great... now my town of San Diego has the longest title drought. Thanks a lot Cleveland.

I have it. Love it! Light weight, runs a long time on one charge. Also recommend the oscillating tool and the brushless screwdriver.

I have it. Love it! Light weight, runs a long time on one charge. Also recommend the oscillating tool and the

Time for me to work on a new app. Virtual Mirrors! The app that let’s you see what’s on the screen behind you without turning your head.

A stadium like this belongs in San Diego.

One of the top comments on r/sandiego.... “I believe that is the blur of the Chargers leaving San Diego”

I put each movie in it’s own folder, along with any extras, subtitle files, and artwork. The folder should be named the same as the main movie file, standard IMDB title works best... name of movie (year). More info.

This is what I do. I’m including the DVD extras in my Plex library, MakeMKV gives me something to look at so I can decide whether to encode it or toss it out.

I have a buddy who always says taunt instead of taut, and I alway reply by asking him if he’s going to tease the string or rope or whatever.

As I found out last night, if Edge is not your default browser yet you still want to open certain sites with it, create a shortcut and make the target

The Majestic?

How about this? I have Windows 10 preview installed on a USB hard drive, which I move from computer to computer as needed. Would that be eligible? Or is the activation tied to the hardware? So far, preview hasn’t uttered a peep when I’ve plugged it into various laptops and whatnot. Oh yeah, Windows 10 even worked fine

This, or something like it is probably going to happen. There will be no publicly funded stadium in San Diego. It has to be two thirds vote to raise taxes and there are simply too many non sports fans and transplants here, people whose loyalties lie with other teams. Very little civic pride.

5 minutes

Meanwhile, VLC for iOS suspiciously missing from the iTunes app store. I really want that Chromecast support!

Local files do work in Windows 8.1. You have to use the —myip option and put in the IP address of your computer. Also have to turn off Windows firewall or open a large range of ports to let it through. Currently the port is chosen randomly but the author said he's going to add the ability to choose it.

Try installing via an elevated prompt (right-click cmd.exe, run as administrator). Watch the errors. It kept trying to download more packages from GitHub so I had to install Git, and add it to the Windows path (may have to log out and in before this works). Node added itself to the path in my case.

Bummer. Not working for me in Windows 8.1. Got it installed and it played Youtube videos just fine but nothing local. Just seems to be stuck in a loading loop. I can see the file name on the TV with a progress bar but otherwise nothing. I was really looking forward to that playlist functionality.

Still waiting for Chromecast support in iOS. Anyone know an ETA for that?