Snake Charmer

TIL: They had pencils in the 13th century.

I have it. Love it! Light weight, runs a long time on one charge. Also recommend the oscillating tool and the brushless screwdriver.

I have it. Love it! Light weight, runs a long time on one charge. Also recommend the oscillating tool and the

I came here to say the same thing. QTTabBar still works flwlessly with Windows 10.

Yawn. This is getting to be old hat. Lets see them land it on an airplane next.

Send up bean burritos! They can fill it with methane.

You mean like San Diego’s Mission Trails Park? Close to 6,000 acres left just as it was before mankind infested the area. Smack dab in the middle of the city. Not to mention the 20 or so other preserves dotted around town.

Thanks. Great example on how scientific thought can be as close-minded as religious belief.

Because the Sumerians were awful web masters?

What about when it’s at perihelion? Especially if this planet and the Earth are on the same side of the sun at the time. The Sumerian depiction shows it coming into the solar system.

Scientists just don’t want to admit that the ancient Sumerians might have known something we don’t? Maybe the Sumerians knew because this planet moved through our local solar system while they were around? Maybe this passing caused major disruption at some time in their past? Like a flood?

I predicted a long time ago that this kind of thing would happen. The thought struck me the day I stopped at a cross-walk to let someone go, the guy started walking across and stopped right in front of my car to check his phone. Someone less cool-headed might have gone into a rage, possibly ran the guy over? I don’t

Time for me to work on a new app. Virtual Mirrors! The app that let’s you see what’s on the screen behind you without turning your head.

Glad to see Joseph Hazelwood finally got a new job.

They thought they wiped out Negan and the Saviors.

I think Carol is just being Carol, blending into the walls. She’s either going to infiltrate the Saviors, or come back with an army (the Hiltop people?) and take Negan and his men from behind when they attack Alexandria.

A stadium like this belongs in San Diego.