Snake Charmer

I had to build a taller fence to the back yard. Coyotes were getting over the old one. My poor cats were terified. We seem to be getting more rattlesnakes in the city also.

“Coldest winter I ever felt was a summer in San Francisco.”

Can somone do an artist’s rendering of what a sunsset would look like here on Earth if we had 5 suns?

Still don’t understand why they don’t line cruise ships up along the Embarcadero and rent out the rooms. Who’s running this thing?

Pizza dip!

Now playing

For your listening pleasure on this Independence Day weekend.

Should probably mention that a lot of Redditors have stopped buying gold, an important aspect of how Reddet pays for server time. What kind of company would piss off their user base? (ahem... San Diego Chargers... cough... cough)

The Majestic?

Missed the most obvious theory. Somebody queue the Ancient Aliens Guy.

This one is even more insane. Laser assisted night-vision.

Just don’t stack too many records in one place...

How about this? I have Windows 10 preview installed on a USB hard drive, which I move from computer to computer as needed. Would that be eligible? Or is the activation tied to the hardware? So far, preview hasn’t uttered a peep when I’ve plugged it into various laptops and whatnot. Oh yeah, Windows 10 even worked fine

CDs? I’m currently backing up my extensive collection of DVDs and Blu-rays to my Plex media server. Nobody gonna tell me I have to get my big ol behind off the couch to change disks when I want to watch something else. Now, if I were to sell the disks after ripping them, or let others access my server, that would be

Once again, the San Diego Zoo is at the forefront. First there was Panda Watch, now this.

We have one opening next year. It’s very expensive to run one of those plants but it will at least provide Southern California with drinking water. There’s also been talk of toilet to tap. If the astronauts can drink their own urine, it’s good enough for me. What I’d most like to see though? Towing an iceberg into

The thing is, people with wealth can afford to do away with the water hogging lawns and go with alternative landscaping. I can’t. I have a dirt lawn and a bunch of dust in the house.

Don’t think he realizes how much food California supplies. The drought continues, expect food shortages and prices to go up.