Snake Charmer

I still say aliens have landed and they're really really tiny.

Maybe aliens have invaded the Earth and they are really really really tiny. Has anyone taken a microscope to one of those structures to see if there are tiny rocketships surrounding it?

If you are a Halloween nut like me you may be interested to know some online stores are trying to start an Orange Tuesday thing where they offer discounts on costumes and other goods.

Did this last year for Halloween, but set up so people outside could see the projection.

A neuralizer! Because sometimes liquid neuralizer (aka beer) just doesn't help you forget what you did the night before.

Bookmarked... for the next time gas prices go up.

People so quickly forget all the hate when they cast Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs and look how that turned out. What? Oh... never mind.

Meh... I foresee the day when robots do the same to us.

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It's alright. She forgave Grandma. They gave her a sippy cup for the next wedding.

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I still think Grandma throwing her drink on the bride is more memorable...

You never seen Pirates of the Silicone Valley?!? It's about how the plastic surgery industry got started in the San Fernando Valley ;-)

I wouldn't mind having an even smaller one at Qualcomm Stadium. Grumble grumble grumble.

I like the part where he talks about how they liberated the parts to build the first personal computers. Seems the current information age was built on piracy.

Here's my macabre workspace.

I lost count.

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Great movie. Highly underrated. I think Hall did a bang up job as Gates also. Gates and Woz both stated that their portrayals were accurate. Jobs didn't have much to say, though according to this video he was pleased with Wyle's performance.

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Just spotted this on Reddit. Video of Steve Jobs in 1980.

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This seems appropriate to place here. I miss these guys!

There's always the back seat, where I spent a lot of my youth because I had a Camaro.