Snake Charmer

Any one in the San Diego area know if the drive-ins in Santee and South Bay are digital? I'm thinking they have to be. Business seems to be good. I'd hate to see these go. With our near perfect weather, where better to watch a movie outside?

Why do you do this to us? Must work. No! Must play Missile Command. ARGGHH!!

Simple solution. Just build a 48 story tower next door with a zip line to get into the building from the top. To get out of the building have a giant slide that wraps around the building. People will be lining up for blocks to visit the place.

I just finished watching 'Pirates of the Silicon Valley'. I'll hold my opinion till I see this movie. I thought Noah Wyle did a damn fine job (see what I did there?). Apparently, even Steve himself was impressed with Wyle, so much so that he asked him to play a trick on the crowd at the '99 MacWorld Expo.
Noah Wyle

I'm in the middle of the 4th season. I intend to finish the series too but it really seems to be dragging. I got a good laugh out of Chuck's mom saying "I'll be back". That's about it.

Actually, I heard the reason they turned off the cameras is because one of them caught Mayor Filner groping some woman ;-)

Still waiting on my 70 mpg carburetor and my home cold-fusion kit.

This is why I got rid of Cox TV. They raised their prices yet again, and there still isn't anything worth watching. Only thing I miss is watching the Padres games but they suck this year so it's not that bad.

Looks like someone subscribes to the faith viewpoint.

No. The article didn't say which ones he actually coined. Someone who knows more about him may be able to tell.

Funny. I was just talking to someone about all this. Told him I'm not so worried for myself, I at least remember what personal privacy was like. It's his kids who have to worry. They, or their kids, will be growing up in a police state. Now excuse me while I get back to framing my copies of our freedom documents.

It's amazing how much Shakespeare still permeates our culture. Just a couple weeks ago I came across a posting of phrases, still in use today, he either created or made popular. Since I was in the process of working on a project for the house, I took the phrases and made some subway art out of them. Image below, full

Now playing

Ahh... this explains the headless guys at the zombie walk. At the 16:10 mark.

Depends. New and improved!

Glad to see Eric Estrada had a life after CHiPs.

My favorite glass is a Colt 45 bottle with a brown bag wrapped around it.

This is a big reason some of the original founders of the Comic-con have started a new one.

Did Skynet start out as a database?