Snake Charmer

Ha! Ha! Classic response. Accuse me of being biased and then act like you were there at the scene of the crime.

Exactly what I was thinking. It's not like these kids are going to admit they were up to no good when they got caught. It shouldn't be too hard to prove if there is a "friend" living nearby, of if they has a history of causing trouble.

Ahh... I have the paid version. Must come with the extra buttons.

Did you know you can use any image as a start button with Start8? It even comes with a Windows 7 button amongst others.

OK. Time to make some money. I'm gonna put a sign in the window saying for $90 I'll downgrade a Win8 computer to Win7. I'll install Start8 for $5, lock out the start screen and change the desktop interface to look exactly like Win7. I'll clear $85 and they'll have a faster, future-proof computer. I figure if they are

I actually started off by setting up my desktop exactly the way it was with Win7, but as time goes I find myself using the keyboard shortcuts and start screen more and more. I finally hunkered down the other night and customized it. I wonder if there's a business opportunity tailoring peoples Win8 machines to their

How about texting in a self-driving car? Now that they are legal in California. Not that I'm gonna buy one just so I can text and drive. Drink and drive? Maybe.

Has this not already been done?

Now playing

Ahh... this brings back memories for us San Diegans. Had to listen to it on the radio because I was stuck in the traffic on the 163.

Mostly the games, pinball and solitaire. I use the email app to notify me of incoming email and preview them. Same with the calender app. Mostly I hang out on the desktop. Maybe later, when there's a better selection of apps?

Orion must have a big gun!

An "OH MY GOD! THEY KILLED ALAN!" sort of thing, huh? Are the SHIELD headquarters going to be located in Southpark?

Looking forward to seeing CC, aka Clone Coulson, in this new series.

Walsh died?!? Guess I should have watched the end of the movie. I wonder what happened at the end of other movies I didn't finish. Where's my copy of Old Yeller?

Maybe Coulson should talk to Buffy?

Now playing

There was a time when elevators couldn't be run without an operator. These things work themselves out. I think, at least for the time being, these cars should be limited to the freeways where pedestrians are less likely to be killed if the thing malfunctions. I am looking forward to people's reactions when they see

Wallpaper courtesy of i09. Fences corrals my desktop icons. Start8 cures my start menu nostalgia. 8GadgetPack allows me to continue using my favorite performance monitors, sticky notes, and clipboard manager.

Sitchin says... "sounds familiar".

I'm holding out for Titan. Always wanted to swim in a methane lake. And imagine the view.

Hmm... I wonder if the colonists in Roanoke had this attitude? Apparently not.