Snake Charmer

I love that I'm reading this article as I'm watching the Ancient Aliens marathon on History Channel.

Intelligent life on Earth? Where?!?

Only reason I recreated my Win7 desktop (see my reply to BestInSlot) is because I didn't want an interruption in my workflow. I still use the Win8 start screen a lot. As someone mentioned, the start screen is good for media consumption while the desktop is for production. That's the best way I've seen it stated. Still

Ahh... there's something to consider. I just built this computer so Win8 has no problem with my hardware. I think my keyboard is USB 1.1 but I'm not having any problems with it. I did stick an EIDE card in this computer so I can keep using my old removable IDE hard drives. Win8 recognizes the removable drive but loses

Win8 definitely seems quicker to me, overall. I've yet to see any kind of hiccup in how it runs. With few exceptions, every program I ran on Win7 works here. Just waiting for the new version of Air Display to come out and I'll be set up exactly as I was with Win7, with the added benefit of using Win8 apps. In fact,

Which is exactly why I'm working my way through Project Euler. By solving these problems I'm learning a lot about programming concepts. Currently working with VB.NET because it seems easy to learn but hopefully, with this exposure, I'll have less trouble picking up other languages.

Future crime? Hoodlums removing people's heads so they can take them back to their lair and strip the hair of the precious gold. Sharpening up my machete right now.

I would assume changing the motherboard is what caused all your problems. Refresh would assume you are using the same hardware configuration, while the reinstall would properly recognize the new hardware.

Looks like the spine of a dinosaur to me.

What is reddit?

Ahh... it's about time. We had these on my planet. Of course, we had a Xenon atmosphere so we could just fart in the airship and it would float. I heard you guys are running out of helium?

Keep Bruce Willis on standby. Just in case.

Now if JitB would just bring back those bacon milkshakes... what a combination that would make!

They're getting bigger though. Wasn't that long ago they could only be found here and in Germany.

I prefer Car2Go. Cars are parked all over town, cars are small so it's easy to find a spot when you get to where you're going, no feeding the parking meters, best of all... no gas tank to fill up. Only problem is I'm just outside the home area so I have to walk a couple blocks to grab one. 1st world problems, huh?

No more cleaning our touch screens? I want this! Goodbye carpel tunnel, hello eyeball strain.

Ha! Ha! That just made my millennium.

I'm not going to spoil the fun for you. Just zoom in and look very carefully.

I finally found Waldo!

Now playing

Anybody here care to buy me the world's largest outdoor TV? Actually, I don't think my yard is big enough.