Go Falcon! Go go go!
Go Falcon! Go go go!
Cue the Ancient Aliens Hair Guy images...
I have proof on concept. Last time I ran a marathon I did Mexican food before. The gas cloud I was leaving behind had the other runners dropping back big time.
My theory on the electricity. Nanobots! The scientists created nanobots powered by electrons? The more stray electrons in an area, the more these things replicate. Maybe they were trying to create a new way to control or generate electricity? The pendants create a dampening field which destroys all the nanobots in the…
Forget both those! After watching that show on the Discovery Channel, I want a pocket mermaid.
Jeez! I finally get this ancient computer thingy working so I can see what the galactanet was like in the early 3rd millennium and all you guys are talking about is what's happening now. I'm packing up my time pod and going back to Gliese 581z.
Crap! This barely gives me enough time to start a cult so that we can take a magic comet ride.
Can't connect to the Honeynet site. My guess? They're under attack. Oh... the ironing.
Think of the Halloween gag you could pull by going slowly through a crowd with no one at the wheel.
I was checking out his facebook earlier. I'm glad he can laugh at himself. I guess he has to have thick skin with the line of work he is in.
Way too late. They were already up before I even mentioned him.
That's awesome! I'm gonna print a bunch of these out and start plastering them all over town. Ancient Aliens Hair Guy for President!
Oh Jesus! You really got me with that headline. I was so excited that Ancient Aliens Hair Guy was finally vindicated but I guess he'll have to go on living in obscurity, for now.
I'm calling it! They are going to find teeny tiny little mummys inside that pyramid shaped rock. That's why we never found life on Mars. It's really really small.
Welcome to Johnny Cab!
Man! I'm glad Christians ain't Muslims.
Old news.
I'm curious to see how the next version is going to look in the (not) Metro interface.
And now for your entertainment... a zombie love story.