The big problem with Destiny's loot system right now is composed of several smaller problems
The big problem with Destiny's loot system right now is composed of several smaller problems
Fine your choice, sadly it's the only site right now to have a dissenting opinion in this activist echochamber that places like Polygon or Kotaku are part of.
I may get burned at the stake but I will tell you this, scan for articles declaring the gamers death and why we don't matter on all major gaming websites, the go a little back and read about the Zoe Quinn dilema, THEN and this is why I will burned, go to 4chan, /v/ and search for a general thread that usually has at…
Just remember: your comments are your comments. You write an article and you set the tone. The people who respond to you? They're literally responding to you. Think about that. Seriously. Shut up, sit down, and think about it. If your comments are incessantly negative or vapid/useless, chances are, it's because your co…
That's the issue, there is no debate.If you disagree with them then you are a flat misogynist.. I don't care if they feel like women are being misrepresented in games, but to make everyone who doesn't care or don't feel the same seem like they are bad people is when all of the poo-slinging starts to happen.The fact…
Sure, everyone. So also the tens of thousands of gamers who have been expressing their opinions these last few days but got harassment from the "press" in return.
I agree with you, BUT it's incredibly difficult to discuss/debate/criticize Sarkeesian's polarizing rhetoric when you're labelled a misogynist for doing so.
I have no problem with this at all. This is needed, and I think many of Gamergate feel the same way. It is all perfectly reasonable. Corruption and cronyism in journalism however, isn't ok, and many of us will continue with our own sleuthing — civilly. Maybe want to send that message about civility to these guys…
More importantly, if I were to say, hypothetically, "I want to shave off Phil Fish's stupid beard and crazy glue pubes to his face so he can see how he looks to everyone else" would you interpert that as an A) Death threat B) Rape threat C) Death-rape threat or D) Comedic Exaggeration? If you chose anything but D then…
This all ties into the lack of credibility of Kotaku itself and the Quinnspiracy
Five Guys checking in. Here's an idea, stop promoting talentless, narcissistic, douche-weasels like Anita "Koch" Sarkeesian and Phil "Prison" Fish who whine, bitch, deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate their way to notoriety.
at this point went beyond game jam, there been allegation, like Zoe sleeping with 1 of Kotaku staffer or patrician Hernandez covering Games made by a girlfriend/acquitance/close person to her.
Your facial hair looks like it smells funny. MODERATE THAT!
all evidence proves that yes, she doxxed em and tried to sabotage the program
I'm sorry, but this sounds too much like, "Your IQ must be this high to comment."
Can I just say how much I don't care about this crap.
However. we should be looking more into what kind of relationships these journalist have with developers and publishers. I think what has caused the most of the shit storm is that we who play video games have lost a lot of faith in reviewers. Taking money on…
And that is how you ignite a wildfire. This whole spectacle is about controlled censorship. But it's your blog post so have at it good sir.
I think it's important to let people speak their mind, man. Taking away people's words doesn't make anyone feel better.