
I agree. And when you're faced with horrible shit like this, you really want to help people, even though you know it isn't your place and they don't need your "help". People ask me about my diet at work and I just don't talk about it specifically for that reason.

The very worst thing is "healthfully" which for some reason the science journals are all saying now. Blech.

A calorie isn't a calorie.

Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I always told myself I wouldn't become "that guy". :(

I don't see "lift heavy weights" anywhere on this list. I'm not sure whether to be depressed that it's not being recommended to women by anyone, or happy that it's not being recommended to women by charlatans.


Yeah, but then you run the risk they'd call it "strongirl" or "prettylifts" or "pinklifts" or some bullshit like that.

Why can't people just do what they want to do? Jesus CHRIST.

Image branding is extremely clever when you think about it.

I think there must be something seriously wrong with me.

Well, shoot me, I agree that's it's unrealistic. I don't think there's any doubt about it. But it doesn't make me ANGRY, particularly - it's just Judd Apatow-style wish fulfilment in reverse, and his films are enormously popular.

So some guy wrote a meaningless article and now you've written an article to assert that it is meaningless? Okay.

Intelligent, accomplished young women are going untouched because they reach 25 without marrying?

There are, like, a million teeth for every one mouth though.

Yes, I live in the UK, and have always, and no, I'm not interested, and yes, I know a large number of other people who aren't interested either.

I'm delighted to hear it. :)

I love how Americans get so worked up about all this nonsense ("Oh, it's like she's a REAL DISNEY PRINCESS!! Barf), and then, as a reactionary measure, get so angry with the royals/the British because they're sick of hearing about it.

Well pardon me but that's what Michelle Obama and the other examples do. Toning is a myth; there is only fat loss and muscle gain.

At what point does it become easier to pay someone to slice into your arms than to occasionally pick up something heavy?

Riddle me this: how can this website purport to be feminist and still think that anything Kim Kardashian does is remotely important? Vis-a-vis trampling every tenet of feminism underfoot in a shallow attempt to glean 15 minutes of baseless fame, I mean.