
Eating human meat (presumably of the recently deceased) actually kind of makes sense.

So what you're saying is... American women, as opposed, presumably, to Japanese women, Russian women, and others, are immune to mistreatment simply by virtue of working in America?

Excuse me? "Men" "will do anything/everything to get your attention"? No. These people are an embarrassment to our gender. I would kindly appeal to any woman who does not like being lumped in with the "all men are rapists" feminists to disregard this particular sentiment.

Apparently I'm really sexist, because when I see these images, my first thought is "Well I didn't need these changes to be made for me to find them attractive." But then my second thought was "this is not being done for my benefit. This is aimed at other women."

This needs to be heard.

Frankly, I'd prefer to get it to the point where neither women nor men are serving in combat.

You guys are so cynical. It's not it won't happen, or that it'll be stopped from happening deliberately. It's just that a lot of this stuff isn't profitable. When it becomes profitable, it will happen - companies want to sell us the shittiest stuff their R'n'D departments have because they know they can make fat

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I'm looking forward to their non-pornographic representations of deepthroating and anal. [Reclines in chair, opens popcorn]

Or IS it that in order to be seen to remain relevant in modern society, in a culture where the line between pop singer and exotic dancer becomes increasingly blurred, feminism must water down some of its ideals in order to flow with the tide, and therefore Beyonce is branded a feminist in preference to other acts

Evidently. I'm always keen to learn about these things though. Are you able to tell me how lines like that delivered while Beyonce rolls around on the floor, crawls and supplicates for the titillation and enjoyment of a male audience make her a feminist?

The biggest problem is that people treat "weight" as "body composition", and it isn't the same thing at all. If you've lost 20lbs in 3 months or whatever, it is not all going to be fat. It is what is underneath the fat that gives people their shape, and lumping it all together in some stupidly over-simplified

I'm surprised that anyone on this site DOES like Beyonce, what with her setting back feminism 2ooo years and all.

This is a graph of the population growth rate.

I think it might have been a figure of speech, to be honest.

Now playing

I don't know, as a guy there are some things I agree with and some I don't. Regardless, porn is actually a real problem for many men, not just a superstition, and even though this chap espouses avoidance for the wrong reasons, there ARE right reasons:

Umm... a Serbian inventor called Nikola Tesla invented the light bulb, and Thomas Edison stole (and patented) his idea. The incandescent light bulb is about as American as Vladimir Putin.