Very true, the base on those never have a bigger footprint than a bowtie
Very true, the base on those never have a bigger footprint than a bowtie
Harpoon’s good shit, and SoNH has so much good stuff too, nothing like a Treblehook Barley Wine from the Redhook brewery in Portsmouth...God I love new england beer.
Smart call, never thought of that
I love Warren and on the off chance she gets the presidency I’ll hate to see her go as our rep. However I’d prefer that was a proper Sammy she was getting :D
I had a shitty situation and had to pop under an AWD automatic Dodge Charger on the side of a busy Boston highway a few years ago and do some serious torquing on a wrench with only a shitty scissor jack. I don’t think I ever held my breath harder than every time the car shook from a passing semi or a particularly hard…
This looks identical in proportion and design to my 1998 single cab s10, red. Only with a runner. My first car, I loved that thing. Hard for me not to see the shape of it, but almost impossible to be certain. The tail/headlight/indicators just look too spot on, and the proportion of the truck bed, plus the angle of…
Damn that’s some reaction time. Those guys next to them don’t even work out whats going on before she turns the assault around and fucking wrecks him (no knock on them, that shit happened fast).
In fairness the Petabyte would sound a little...white windowless van with free candy written on the side-ish.
I hate both Teslas and giant compensation rigs, however like stories about Eve Online I find it completely fascinating people get so fired up about this shit.
Jesus, fuck protecting my face with airbags - what a waste of time, let me pop the trunk of my car on the highway with my thumb while simultaneously adjusting my passenger mirror, clock, and bass!! Oh, and steer, too, I guess.
I get she is unvetted and green, but if you can not understand the progressive excitement over Ocasio-Cortez then you have literally no hope of understanding the very fucking voters you need to be courting in the first place. And the fact she is further galvanizing many of them with her actions since winning her…
I always just found the mechanics of them absolutely fascinating. I worked with a guy who hand milled almost all his own parts for his old VW Scirocco - kept it in literal pristine shape unlike any car I’ve seen. When this got too easy for him he started hand making watches. It was mesmerizing to see the process. I…
Holy crap, those Banneker watches are fucking STUNNING.
Gross. Keep your swill. I prefer a nice one gram tank of 91% sativa extract. Still, not whiskey stones. I mean...I guess I could stick them in the neck of a bong? Oh hell, nobody wants whiskey stones.
Rochester, NY? My racist aunt and her shit family moved out there after the “liberal scourge” took New England and they were too cowardly to move out to some racist shithole stronghold where her asshole doctor husband couldn’t make money. I see they found company.
First it was automatic transmissions, then automatic cruise control, lane departure, automatic navigation, automatic driving, and now? Automatic. Climate. Control. Save the Slider.
Coming from the north country in New Hampshire I’m confused why anybody uses any setting below hell-on-earth. Where else are you going to experience guilt-free 95* weather in February in northern NH unless you throw $400 down on your heating bill. I enjoy watching people tumble down Cannon mountain from the warmth of…
Cops already hit it with a spike strip
These all sounds like NRA arguments against gun control, but with the word gun replaced with spike strip. I was almost waiting for the “good guy with a spike strip” line.