Kinda expected to see Burnout Paradise on here.
Kinda expected to see Burnout Paradise on here.
I’m still curious how Brett Kavanaugh
I don’t think replacing him is the issue, I’d bet that’s a lock at this point. I think the issue is the entire season of Loki they already filmed with him in it. Although WB is about to release the Ezra Miller Flash movie and show it’s acceptable to hold your nose, release what you’ve got in the can, and recast later.
Honestly my favorite was when they referenced their own “Corn Pudding” from season 1. Corn Pudding is a banger.
I could see AI art having a use if it’s like a one or two person indie studio, but beyond that it just feels lazy.
I feel like that’s most writers. The blurb about the author is usually that they live in <small town/city> with their family and pets. I kind of always assume it’s a mostly drama free, cozy life. The Hunter S. Thompsons of the world are interesting because they are rare.
Still, with very rare exceptions, I don’t often hear about how heavy-handed movie/TV executive meddling has produced a BETTER product than it would have otherwise
Whedon will even shit on successful things. He wrote an early script for the first X-Men movie, then shit on the movie for not using enough of what he wrote after it came out and was a big hit.
A lot of Americans have a transient mindset - everything is just temporary until they hit it big, and then even if they do, they decide the new house is just temporary until they buy/build the next place. This is because for a long time they could cheaply buy and sell houses and would usually make money doing it. I…
I’ve been randomly following the studio on Twitter and they have like 2 or 3 other games in the works that all look like they are going to print money. They are clearly killing it.
I’m weird in that I liked the Trevor twist but still didn’t like the movie. The biggest issue for me was both of the first two movies were about how Tony has to protect the world against people misusing the armor & tech that he created, and then the third movie is about Tony fighting a random mad scientist with fire…
His brother and wife would be livid
It would be funny if it was Psylocke since they would probably be accused of white washing an Asian character, when the character was originally a white British woman who got transformed into an Japanese woman because 90's comic artists wanted to draw a half naked ninja chick.
Or you could buy and consume things that you enjoy, that make your life better, without worrying about morality policing everyone in the food chain of the product. Or just draw the line at a point that makes sense for you.
That would make it the first ever Nintendo game to hit that $70 threshold, at least as a recommended retail price, which is a bummer for us as consumers (since wages aren’t increasing in line with the inflated cost of...everything)
The funniest part is that they changed “Be the change you wish to see in the world” to “Be the peace you wish to see in the world”. I can kinda see why cops might like the second version better. It’s basically a nicer way to say “Stop resisting”.
“Do or do not, there is no try” -MLK
I remember an interview with Tom Hanks where he explained that being EP on a movie is kinda glamourous and easy, but being EP on a TV series is grueling hard work for years at a time. It’s a lot more filming, so less $ spent per hour on set, so a lot fewer people to spread the work around, so even the fancy celeb EP…
I’m reminded of a 4chan screenshot I saw of a MRA/Incel going on a date, trying to act like a ‘normie’ so he isn’t found out, but his date still identifies him as an MRA/Incel within 5 minutes and walks out. They can’t hide it for shit.
Yeah it’s like the opposite of a Michael Bay or Zach Snyder where stuff tends to be bad for the same reasons, but if you’re prepared for it you can enjoy it for what it is. You can’t enjoy something that surprises you by being bad.