

Dos Equis has long been my go-to Mexican lager. Corona has never sat right with me. And I honestly can’t recall the last time I drank a Sol or what it even tasted like. I do enjoy the music in their commercials though.

I have an Alexa in my kitchen, a room I have very few conversations with anyone in. If anything, 90% of what it hears is my girlfriend and I discussing what we are currently cooking at the moment. The majority of what I actually use the device for is playing music and converting measurements in recipes.

This is exactly correct.

So, is this what proponents of “multiverse” concepts theorize? The possibility of other universes beyond our observable one that are pulling at our universe, causing an acceleration over time due to their mass being potentially much higher than that of our known universe?


That doesn’t sound that much more realistic. Seriously, someone at Amazon happens to overhear that one of their customers might be taking a vacation, and that is somehow valuable to a third party? Who’s buying that information?

Consider me intrigued. Rather enjoyed the book, didn’t actively dislike the movie, and I still load up L4D 2 every so often and run through a few maps just because it’s so damn fun.

Still not as fun as going to Universal Studios’ Islands of Adventure. They have Moe’s Tavern and serve Duff*.

The only acceptable popcorn powder for me is bone meal from my enemies that I have slain in combat.

Exactly how I feel at this moment.

I figured you would just acquire a recently deceased lamb and slather it in frosting...

As I recall, they got Marco Sturm and one or two other scrubs in exchange for Thornton. Obviously, Sturm is no Joe Thornton (putting up roughly half the points per year), but he wasn’t a bad player.

Clearly, you need a weird JDM van from Duncan Imports. And I can only assume Torch would have suggested something similar if he were to be asked. In this case, I have selected the Nissan Vanette. 

Now playing

I’mma let you finish, but the best rendition of Africa was performed on root vegetables.

To be fair, pretty much everyone is hitting at will against the Red Sox so far this year.

You could make that same argument for just about anything.

Another tip, here’s what got my girlfriend to start going back to the dentist after a few years without: She searched for one that performed what was called “Sedation Dentistry” in our area. They don’t knock you out completely unless it is absolutely necessary, but they will prescribe an oral sedative or use nitrous

Where else can you down four or five of those tiny, succulent onion-topped burgers besides a White Castle?

Yeah, you’re right. They should have just shot him.