
That’s a charge that’ should I say it...not new. Historically, it was usually called resisting arrest without violence. As far as I know, it is a misdemeanor in Florida (and in most other states). Some states have lumped it in with obstruction, in that the law includes preventing firefighters, EMT’s and

My girlfriend is also lactose intolerant. I usually buy the ultra-pasteurized whole milk, which is lactose free and doesn’t seem to cause any problems. As a side bonus, because we don’t actually consume a ton of milk in our house, it doesn’t go to waste because the ultra-pasteurized stuff is good for about two months

The perfect answer to an “oh dear, they can’t possibly be serious in asking this” question.

Look on the bright side. After they go 3-79 next year, tickets will be available for the 2020-21 season at an immense discount.

I can help you with that last question.

...or you disagree with me and are wrong.

I’m in. I’ll bring the beer.

Taken as a whole, Kate clearly wins this one. I would gladly eat all 5 of those on a burger at once.

HBP, followed by 3 wild pitches?

Not all unions are built the same. Until I started a new job, I had the misfortune of being in one of the most mismanaged, corrupt, and outright stupid public worker unions ever.

I imagine it depends largely on how you viewed it. I waited until the whole season ran and binge-watched it over the course of a week. For me, season 2 built well upon what they delivered to us in season 1. it felt familiar, but massively expanded. Not every arc and side story worked perfectly, but it certainly worked

Sure, fair enough.

In an effort to maximize space and give the illusion of faster service, my local McD’s introduced a dual-lane drive through. Effectively, there are two ordering lines, which merge into a single line right before you get to the first window.

Maybe they can trade him to the Mets for Bobby Bonilla?

I was pretty satisfied with Uneeda Burger up in Fremont. I went there twice during my stay. I don’t recall it being crazy overpriced either. However, in the interest of full disclosure, I was inebriated both times. The Fremont area also has some great breweries.

Weird, I’d figure there would be at least a couple decent ones in Seattle. But I’ve only been there once and can’t distinctly recall seeing any.

I’m okay with this.

Just to chime in:

That’s my go-to as well. Mongolian Beef, and two containers of pork fried rice. I’m okay with dying young.

I live two blocks from a Chipotle my ownself and I have never experienced lettuce in my burrito, nor have I at Qdoba or Taco Del Mar.