
Tough call, I’d have to give it either to Kevin or Kate.

$10k will still buy you a higher-mileage Honda S2000. Can’t think of a better choice than that.

They made a budweiser copy, after a SoCal brewery sold to Bud.

When I moved on from brewing with the little Amazon all-in-one homebrewing set and Brewer’s Best recipe kits to slightly better equipment (The Electric Brewery setup with 30g kettles and some additions for automation), I set the lofty goal of continuing to move upward and onward, eventually desiring to open a small

For me, it’d have to be a brewery. Because, free beer for life? Yes, please!

No ketchup, you have a winner. Thanks!

I am prepared to write my own article on the merits of fried eggs on burgers.


I know what you were getting at, and I genuinely mean no offense, but I laughed out loud when I saw the title:

A couple years ago, I would have thought you were being hyperbolic. But no, you are absolutely right.

I wish I could agree. But that isn’t the “man” he is. He does not concede that he is ever wrong about anything. Yes, it would be a monumental disaster. But he and his base would happily spin it to being the fault of the left because they...I crime and want to give all the illegal immigrants free

Unfortunately, Mt. Whitney has had a huge trash problem for years. Namely, the WAG bags.

But her emails!!

I have one reliable use for Amtrak: When I’m going to A’s games in Oakland. It’s an $8 Lyft ride to/from the station, and a $29 train ride to/from the Coliseum. $75 is a lot better than the cost of a DUI (plus the risk of accidentally killing someone). Even if I wasn’t going to be drinking and wanted to drive, I’d

Had an ‘84 non-GTI Rabbit, purchased from a redneck in Florida for $700. Drove it around as a beater for a few months, before it hydrolocked on fuel courtesy of a faulty carberetor (the guy swapped out the FI equipment because he “didn’t believe in it”). Swapped in an ABA 2.0 and 5MT from a late ‘90's Jetta, and

Unfortunately, I have no doubt that the current administration would happily issue a bailout if the NRA was truly on the brink of collapse.

Suggesting that something could potentially be bad is significantly different than literally being exposed to an almost immediately fatal dose, such as the emergency workers that responded to the Chernobyl disaster, or the town of Pripyat that was not even evacuated until well after residents became ill with acute

The real answer is perfectly clear.

For me, it’s the (sort of racially insensitive name now that I think about it) “oriental snack mix”. I can eat a whole bag of it on a single flight. Pair it with a Diet Dr. Pepper, and I’m a happy traveler.

Living in the post-atomic age—a time when every cellphone is kicking out god-knows how much radiation, streaming directly into our heads, every single minute of the day—it’s easy to lose sight of just how powerful that particular primeval force can be.