
Maybe if the asshat was a season ticket holder, they could revoke season ticket purchasing rights. But otherwise, yeah it’d be hard to enforce.

You’re using a whole lot of words to essentially say, “I like to pretend I’m better than everyone.”

Wow, you’re so edgy!

Drake’s just opened a new spot in West Sacramento last year, also very cool.

It’s good stuff, worth checking out.

Yeah, the fact that you’re using a helicopter is an odd choice too. It looks vaguely like a Bell 206 or UH-1. The 206 has a max speed of about 140mph and a total range of just under 450 miles, with the UH-1 Huey having even less speed and range.

They look like some knock-off Skechers.

Yeah, even something like the southeast coast of Puerto Rico would make a little more sense.

I lived down in/around Cocoa Beach and Orlando for about 18 years, and traversed all over the state during my time there. Britton Hill is the highest point, and it is entirely unremarkable (like the rest of the Florida/Alabama border).

Right? Every birthday where I don’t have an unholy spawn that looks sort of like me is its own reward.

I, too, love the expeditions. But the one thing that annoyed me was the first one (visiting Florida to steal the package from the HMS McCoubrey).

Looking at the technical aspects (and limitations), I’m not convinced that it will be enough to doom the system.

Millennial is a discriminatory slur, tantamount to calling a black man “ni**er” or “slave”

So what? An asshole like that should be trolled.

That was a 767.

No joke, I just learned that the AAF started its inaugural season two days ago. Glad to see I’m not the only one who had no idea it was a thing that is actually happening.

beer is bacteria piss

It is right. If you keep reading, you’ll see that he won the game by scoring the game-clinching goal in the shootout. In case you aren’t up on the rules (don’t wan’t to presume anything), the winning team of the shootout gets one goal added to their final score, regardless of what the shootout score itself was.

I’d wish for someone you know and love to commit suicide to give you a shred of perspective, but I’m not a piece of shit like you.