
They are indeed. I can’t wait to get another one, then get kicked out of the house by Mrs. Aardvark because of some BS like, “Buying two impractical sports cars is not the same as having one practical car.”

Believe it or not, there are minors that are way better drivers than you and me. Like this one. Beyond that, I know a lot of fully-grown adults that drive significantly faster and more dangerously on public roads. All those sideshows you hear about on the news? Plenty of them are adults.

Honestly, I can see where the owner is coming from. It’s a marketing ploy. I don’t agree with it, but I’m familiar with the saying that all publicity is good publicity.

I am indeed. I got cheapo upper-level tickets this time. For some reason, I thought it was the week after. But yep, just checked and they are for the 18th.

There can be multiple definitions of many words. Alien in it’s adjective form can mean foreign, strange, and unlike what is known and familiar.

Oh, it’s all good. I took no offense to it.

Another good option is to use a service such as MultCloud.

Nah, it’s cool. You can just stash a Suzuki Samurai or two in the back.

It’s one of those things that’s hard to explain. Driving on the salt is a very different sensation than driving on a road. Yes, your eyes do play tricks on you because of the lack of reference points. But the salt flats do have some “floatiness” to them. It’s a weird feeling of being connected to the ground, but it

Send them to Japan to play in the X-League. At least they should be able to challenge for a Super Bowl.

I actually am a sports fan, with the #1 sport I follow being hockey, followed closely by baseball.

Ah, makes sense. For whatever reason, that never really occurred to me. I usually use the salt and ice method inside my house, so it’s always seemed automatic to give them a quick rinse in the sink once they get cold.

Out of curiosity, why not?

To give you an idea of scale, the Milky Way itself measures 105,000 light-years across.

Yeah, I tried bolting a handgun onto my brake rotor when I got a flat tire the other day, but the weirdest thing happened, the car wouldn’t drive.

For me, it’s cheaper to rent a pickup for a couple of hours once or twice a year than it would be to own a truck and drive it every day. And the cost comparison isn’t even close.

If I had to guess, I’d venture to say the issue is more with the “kids eat free on Tuesdays” part of the equation.

I’m sort of stuck on how I feel about this Costanza’s place, and here’s why.