
I never get fancy or creative with my orders. But regardless, the barista can judge me all they want. If they do it openly, it just means less of a tip for them. It’s their wage that they’re trying to earn and I am willing to support to some tiny extent.

Appreciate the personal insight. I was never much of a fan of Romo until he made his way off the field and into the booth. The guy knows the game and has a true knack for relaying it engagingly to audiences.

The danger part usually involves people being in a rush to run outside and throw their pot of boiling water without any due consideration for wind speed and direction.

On top of that, even if the seller had 19 more people to help, and each of them took a single minute to read each letter, you’re still looking at almost 57 hours per person. So, essentially 7 working days per person.

Someone should have told the Chinese walls don’t work.

I doubt you have the guts to be on either end of the battle and will instead limit yourself to writing stupid comments on the internet about things you know nothing about and we’re all better off that way, including you.

Why not go for something super classy and equally rare?

The fact that you’re even asking is pretty gross.

I pretty much only use mine when I’m cooking or brewing beer.

Usually, if restaurants have a bar area, the host will offer to let the incomplete party grab drinks or appetizers there. Seems like the best-case scenario to me: You get drinks and food right away, but you’re not messing with the rhythm of the dining room while waiting for your friends to show up.

Now playing

You’re thinking of a captive bolt gun. A rail gun would be much more difficult to operate within the constraints of a slaughterhouse, and would probably result in a fair amount of collateral damage.

Yeah, it seems like the bull being totally cool with it would have much less of a get-the-fuck-off-me attitude.

I think the real question is, how much will someone grossly overpay for a low-mileage example of one of these in about 20 years?

This is, in fact, the correct answer.

I’m not too worried. I’ve never been hassled by an officer for a loud exhaust, and the few people that I’ve talked to over the years that have, had a fairly understandable reason for it.

Not really pleasing to my eye. I’m sure it’s a crazy fun car to drive. I just think that it has too much going on, visually. Like the front end is from a phallic early-00's Mercedes, the side from a Z4, and the rear from...I don’t know...a squished Lexus maybe?

And while that one family decides to boycott because they can’t bring their booger-flinging spawn inside, there are dozens of us responsible adults that don’t bring children into bars that are rejoicing.

I like your reviews and don’t doubt that it’s unbiased, but it might be worth tossing a disclosure on here that the studio must be paying GMG a boatload in ad revenue, since an autoplaying video and advertisement for this film is taking up literally more than half of the screen on my desktop on this and nearly every

Oh, I’m not saying that it’s a bad deal. Sure, it’s a perfectly fine car for the money.

From what I’ve seen, they are selling in approximately the same numbers as they did a year ago, excluding the month they were released. The huge markups have largely seem to gone away though.