

Hang on, hang on. You mean to tell me that Dana White (THE Dana White) might have the qualities of a genuinely bad person? Inconceivable!

Dana White cheats at Words with Friends.

Go figure, the ones “defending his right to free speech” quite literally don’t know what the 1st Amendment actually protects.

Nobody you have ever met will go to space.

Over 90 degrees (Fahrenheit) within the Arctic Circle? Damn, that seems unreal.

I saw two AMGs walking to dinner just last night.

I always have in my cars:

That child is clearly at an age where their personality still has a long ways to go in developing. Giving them a clear reason why theft is unacceptable can definitely help guide them on the right path between “taking what isn’t mine is wrong” and “it’s okay as long as I don’t get caught.”

Rob Manfred, who didn’t want the trade news to overshadow last night’s All-Star Game.

Nothing but rapists and lumberjacks, some bad hommes there.”

I sometimes wonder what it is like to be a man in an aging, deteriorating body.

What kind of person goes to Vegas and rents a Veyron?

Dear Toyota,

That’s something they taught me during my career as an EMT and 9-1-1 operator. Never tell a patient or their friends/family that everything will be fine. That’s simply something you can’t guarantee. If something goes wrong (which it easily can), you’ve done more harm than good with your words, and even potentially

Sure, they can beat me in a hot pepper eating contest, but can they beat me in Tecmo Bowl? I’D LIKE TO SEE THEM TRY!

I was so close to actually looking for some, but that’s a rabbit hole I just don’t need to go down. Google probably already thinks I’m a weirdo, don’t need to make it any worse.

Could be other people also. Lotta people out there.