
Hot take coming in: Game of Thrones is much better as a show than in book form. I struggled mightily with the first book in the series, and I love reading. I’ll grant that fantasy fiction is definitely not my chosen genre (that title easily goes to erotic fan-fiction of WKRP in Cincinnati.), but I will occasionally

Not to play into stereotypes too much, but thankfully most tone deaf douchebro assholes tend to stick with Bud Light/Coors Light at uncleaned sports bars while yelling something about how much they can squat-thrust. Lakeview Brew Crew will likely be gone before long, and you won’t see me shedding any tears.

Pictured above: The Problem.

I know a few other people have mentioned it, but...

Your articles, at times, make fun of the way people look, crack the occasional joke about the learning disabled and/or illiterate, hell, you even wrote an article lambasting a person simply because their genetic code made them short...and still you write this article like you are the moral beacon this world needs. Do

I have two of these sound bars. One for my computer, and one for an RPi arcade cabinet I built. For the arcade cabinet, it works great. My only complaint there is that the cords are a little short, but the speaker handles classic game audio very well. 

I have two of these sound bars. One for my computer, and one for an RPi arcade cabinet I built. For the arcade

Fun fact: Marvel published issues #1-3 of The Adventures of Kool-Aid Man, but it could only be acquired by one of two methods:

All two of them absolutely knew what was happening. I’m okay with them being fired.

It’s super easy (or at least it should be super easy). List the name of the beer, the name of the brewery, the style of beer, ABV, IBU, and prices. Put that information on a board somewhere in direct vicinity of the bar, and also put it on beer lists that you keep on the bar itself.

I make a lot more salads during the summer than I do the rest of the year. In particular, I make the Latvian ”summer slaw” that my grandma left me her recipe for. It’s dead simple to make (cabbage, onion, green bell pepper, dill, salt, oil, and some thin-sliced ham), and is perfectly refreshing for lunch or early

This is so patently absurd, entirely unnecessary, and way over the top.

US gallons. Otherwise, you could say 8,192 drams or 3.932 measures.

Nothing really insightful to add. I just rather enjoyed the movie.

Meanwhile, behind Irsay’s back...

If you’re a high functioning alcoholic beer enthusiast, 8ml adds up quickly. Hell, if you enjoy just 10 fine beers per day, it totals up to nearly 8 gallons of beer annually that you aren’t getting. If someone stole almost 8 gallons of beer from me, I’d be out for blood.

What do the leather seats taste like?

Hmm, I wonder if whoever buys that hoodie wants people to know what kind of car they drive (or wish they drove)...

For people in California, this would be perfect since there aren’t many winds, air temperatures are relatively cool, and the sun is very strong.

I think a lot of this is just the uniquely human way of looking for patterns where none exist.