
If there’s no booze, I’m sitting this one out.

Also possible while being a Juggalo: Faygo-induced diabetes.

A three-hour live broadcast, for a combined total of about 45 seconds of actual riding. Meh, I’ll pass.

On the topic of witnessing historic sports moments, I have only witnessed one in person.

I think tanked is a bit harsh...

I just want to say that I can’t wait to start using #FRAARG in regards to all manner of things.

Match-fixing is ultimately just another form of cheating. Cheating occurs in any activity where performance = money. Why do professional athletes in top-tier sports still get caught using banned substances? Because they want to stay on top and/or get an even larger payout next time contract negotiations come around.

What you described is essentially the same problem you see in professional sports, such as baseball. In the MLB, players rake in the cash, but they represent only the most talented and physically gifted athletes. Go down just one tier to Triple-A ball, and players are barely making a living wage. And if you go down

I’ll wave as you drive by, like 50 miles away.

Definitely not impossible. I mean, they still sell Power Wheels for kids, right?

I actually love it up here (largely because I’m not in the Bay Area). I’m heading out for business for a few days, which I probably would have scheduled differently had I known when Radwood was happening.

To me, it makes more sense to talk reduction instead of inflation. We all know our current administration is not one to back down from any sort of fight. I hate to say it, but it strikes me as one that will push for 100% tariff increases before decreasing them at all.

Stop rubbing it in. I washed and waxed the Corvette this morning, just so I could put the car cover on and fly away from northern California. :(

The problem with that is that I don’t care about hurting the EU. I’m not in a position of vast political or financial power. It doesn’t matter which tariff hurts which country/region more. They hurt your average consumer by a significantly greater amount either way.

I assumed you’d see what I was getting at given the specificity of the example, since there was an article about that exact thing here on Jalopnik just two days ago. (Full disclosure, one of my two cars is on that list).

So, you’re suggesting it would be more prudent to buy a Dodge Grand Caravan instead of a Honda Odyssey?

Let’s say we raise it to 20%. Then the EU raises theirs to 30%. We go 40%, they go 50%, and why stop there?

Exactly. Paragons of society.

The next great discovery was a 21st Amendment beer called El Sully, which I’ve heard others describe as “what you want Corona to be.”

This Michele McPhee person clearly has a grudge against Boston. It’s very weird, because Boston sports fans are the nicest, calmest, most compassionate and welcoming people on the planet. I can’t think of a single time when a Boston fan did anything hurtful to anyone.