
I’d honestly be okay with this, since my car could technically park in both events.

Well folks, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.

Same boat here, but I watched the first episode last night. Even with the admittedly small sample size, I’m planning to stick around for at least the whole first season. There’s a lot to like, and I’m interested to see where it leads.

Even loaded down, the Cube got to 60 easily.*

I feel like I should mail you some Pepcid, just in case...

Because the resemblance is uncanny.

I think I still hold the unofficial Bonneville record in the class of “Entirely stock Nissan Cube with two grown men and all my worldly possessions inside.

You never know, they could spice things up a bit by trading straight up with the Portland Trailblazers for the #24 pick. a few minutes before things kick off...

Those of us in the Sacramento region expect no less than complete fuckery.

Raph has made the superior choice here. Well done, sir.

I was skeptical of Mod Pizza at first. The prices seemed quite good and the promise of super-fast in and out service appealed to me for quick meals.

The only issue I’ve had with brewing lagers is temperature control. It’s not like an ale, where you can just leave it in a dark, room temp setting. Lagers have to be kept cooler and for longer, and having something as simple as a mechanical thermostat going wonky can ruin a whole 10 gallon batch quite easily (take a gu

I’ll be there next week for work, looking forward to getting back to Bierstadt.

Super easy, use Venmo (or any other similar app). Let one person pay. That person snaps a photo of the itemized receipt, then sends pay requests to everyone else that ordered something.

The Giants are apparently not that wise of a team, and put their asses in the jackpot for no good reason last night.

This is the internet now.

I’d go for an Evo wagon.

Kind of a bummer. The not-really-bot-written script was pretty funny in a stupid way. But acted out, it somehow lost every last ounce of humor.

And Gary Sanchez is on pace to have 34 hits this year, 33 of which will be home runs.

Quality reporting. Every time I see a Rogue on the road, I would wonder what it was (I assumed some kind of fluid cooler for AWD models). It bugged me enough that I was always curious, but never enough that I would remember to Google it when I got home.