
No doubt, once you build up some endurance and learn proper pacing, distance running becomes much easier. I just never fancied myself much of a runner. I’ve done a couple of sprint triathlons, and running is the portion that kills me every time. I can find my rhythm swimming and biking, but being on my feet just

Back in my day (well, maybe a little bit prior), kids played with lawn darts. I also never work a bike helmet as a kid. Saying “just don’t fall” doesn’t really do much. I’m sure most childhood injuries are not a matter of intent to be hurt. Kids are going to do dumb kid stuff (which, let’s be honest, constitutes most

I’d prefer bubble wrap, since popping them is a great stress reducer. :)

No doubt, I’ve been climbing off and on for about 8 years now. Less often lately since I’ve been having hand/wrist issues. But it’s a great form of exercise.

Ah, thank you. Didn’t follow the link.

Hmm, yeah that’s definitely a possibility. I mean, last time I had Pizza Hut, I was stuck in the bathroom for awhile.

Just make sure the parents of your kids’ friends sign a waiver. A little rock wall like that would have been a blast for childhood me, but over a hard wood floor? That seems like a broken bone factory.

That’s true. At the very least, there’s plenty of homeless folks in my city that would love to get a fresh pizza.

I dunno. This feels vaguely...creepy.

A half-marathon, good for you, but no thanks! The only way you’ll ever see me running 13.1 miles is if a bear is in pursuit.

I guess the Mosler TwinStar doesn’t quite count. Mosler is a vehicle manufacturer in its own right, but I suppose this could be seen as little more than a wacky Cadillac El Dorado.

To be fair, I feel like librarians probably say that to plenty of people there in the periodicals section.

Challenge accepted.

The term you’re looking for is “probable cause.”

It’s an updated version of The Last Starfighter, and little more. I have no qualms with RPO (the book anyway, haven’t seen the movie), it was entertaining in a nostalgic way even if it was derivative in many places. But Armada was pretty disappointing. The entire book felt wholly unoriginal to me.

Yeah man, that was definitely a catch.

My first backpacking adventure saw me carrying 45 pounds in my pack. I thought that because I’m a pretty big guy (6'3", and around 200#), the extra weight wouldn’t be an issue. It until lunch of the first day for me to seriously reconsider my necessities. I had stocked up on all kinds of great gear, but much of it was

The Corvette has one such adjustment, and that is for the suspension. You can choose between Touring, Sport, and Performance. I leave mine on Touring at least 90% of the time. I’ll put it on Sport if I’m on a somewhat twisty road, but not pushing it. It only goes on Performance if I’m really wringing the car out.

You’re absolutely correct. To a skilled individual, most of what I have done will ultimately be to zero effect. It’s much like home security in general. If you have something that another person wants badly enough, they’ll find a way to get in there and take it.

For me, it’s pretty simple. Use a different password for everything, and utilize a password manager to keep track of them. As soon as I hear about a breach, I change my password for that site right away.