
Your entire premise is flawed.

The other day, a small plastic tube fell from under the dashboard of my C5 into the driver’s side foot well. When I got home, I got down and looked upward under the dash to try and figure out where it came from and what it’s for. No luck, I can’t find a single place where there seems to be a small plastic tube

The joke’s on you. Reznor went for a full-on hybrid of disco and bubblegum pop, with a splash of zydeco.

I never seem to have pickle juice when I’m hungover. Largely because I use it as a chaser for Jameson, which, oddly enough, seems to be part of the reason I get hangovers.

Good to know that throwing away food doesn’t make me evil. Now, how about the wall in my basement that is lined floor-to-ceiling with jars full of body parts?

He seems like the kind of person that would incorrectly answer the question, “Which weighs more, 1 ton of feathers or 1 ton of bowling balls?”

Yes! I got turned on to taking shots of mezcal, chased with a spoonful of chapulines roasted in chili powder, salt, and lime.

It varies from location to location, but in my experience, the difference comes down to sales percentages.

Definitely not just the beer group you’re in with. The local one here too has its share of drama, but nothing brings out the white hot rage quite like someone bringing up the topic of children and tap rooms.

Someone only skimmed the article...

“Women, women,” Trump said. “We love women.” He clarified by saying he had won 52% of women’s votes in the 2016 election, but in reality, he won 52% of white women’s votes, another of Trump’s many tells.

I think I paid almost $100 for a 6-pack of West-12 with two branded glasses back in 2012. As I recall, it was to help fund an expansion on their abbey and only done in very small quantities at specific locations.

Yeah, you’re certainly right. I should have been more clear, it was a tongue-in-cheek response from me. Your beliefs are your own, and not mine to deny or dispute.

Obviously the creator created the whole universe.

Mine is a C5.

If the blue was black instead, I’d probably look into recovering the C5 seats in that when the time came.

It’s about as fast and aerodynamic as one too...

In my daily driver, sure. It’s a Nissan Cube, and has about 1,462 cup holders inside. That tells me it’s built for consumption on the go.

Honestly? Never for a bullshit reason. Every single time I’ve been pulled over, I was technically doing something that I could be pulled over for.