
Build rails. Lots and lots of rails.

I don’t know about best, but it is a totally sufficient M3. Very good, even.

Yep, very simple to just agree to disagree on this. I definitely get where you’re coming from on it though.

Just doing the quick arithmetic in my head, 30,000 cans in 15 years equates to drinking nearly one 6-pack per day, every single day.

I see you’re getting a lot of vitriol here for your opinion. I hope I’m not just piling on. At the very least, I’ll stay civil about it.

“Okay, but as long as he’s not partying on a boat...”

Too expensive, not enough garage space, not the slightest bit practical, my girlfriend would kick me out, take your pick...

I could listen to him tell Skip Bayless that he’s “better at life” than Skip a million times a day, and it will still fill me with joy.

I’ve only run LeMons in a Sunfire. It did not go well. The only reward was a burn to the arm from accidentally pressing it against the exhaust pipe while trying to rip off the sagging rear bumper. But at least no one sprayed lemons on the wound.

By its strictest definition (player judged most valuable to his team), the Hart trophy should definitely go to MacKinnon, at least in my opinion.

I’d say the odds are about on par with you winning LeMans in a Pontiac LeMans.

If I had a bag of hands, I’d bring it with me everywhere. You know, just in case anyone ever asked if I could lend them a hand.

So, I guess this sums up to the following: If you say something mean and hurt Trump’s feelings, you get heavily taxed. If you stroke his ego, do whatever he says, and stay at his resorts regularly, you don’t.

I can definitely relate. I can put twice as much on my plate as my girl, and I’ll still finish way ahead of her. I must have something going for me that she can appreciate....

I can only speak for myself, but if the buffet is stocked with deliciousness, a little extra walking is probably to my overall benefit.

For sure, there are definitely times when I wouldn’t want to intentionally combine flavors. Some things just simply don’t work well together. Like if it is a potluck sort of setting where you might wind up with your entrees and dessert on the same plate, I’m not advocating dipping your apple pie into your baked beans.

Yeah, that is definitely part of what I’m talking about. But to go a step further, it’s really strange when people do this, but will not go for the perfect bite method. They eat each item entirely individually. They will completely finish one, then start and finish the next, and so on.

Like I’ve been saying, it’s strange to me. Not saying that you’re a bad person for eating like that. You do you.

That’s the best/worst thing about the internet. Ideas and concepts passed down from one generation to another can be easily researched and debunked in a matter of seconds.