
Maybe, just maybe, if police departments spent their budgets on training instead of new ways to assault and injure those they have sworn to protect, then their might not be as much civil unrest as we’re seeing.

These people are for early on the Gram and Facebook, so by now they should know how this ends.   

Well, I think we know who the reigning Veiled Prophet Queen is.  

Disney, take some of your own advice, “Let it Go!”

Don’t they know how much dust is on the moon?  All those open sections and exposed electronics is a disaster waiting to happen.  

Chris Pratt, please just stop.  The Tomorrow War looks terrible. The entire premise doesn’t make sense. If you’re advanced enough to develop time travel, then you should be advanced enough to defend yourself from an alien attack. A draft, are you kidding me with this?

She is one of the guiltiest defendants I’ve ever seen.  The Feds have her dead to rights, why not plea this thing out and save everyone time and money?  

I left the Arrowverse after crisis and I’ve never been happier. It’s the perfect jumping off point. The only way to get me back is to give us Diggle as the new Green Lantern. I’d give that show an entire season to find itself.

After reading this post, I looked up the website for this school. I’d be shocked if at some point it’s not investigated for being a money laundering front for the Russian mob.

Lock them both up and throw away the key.  Oh and the only book they can’t read is the Bible.  

Hold on there, Maleficent was pretty darn good. Anti-heroes are all the rage these days. How else can you explain Shaw being a member of the FF family. I mean we thought the guy killed Hahn!  

Trained police officers can’t restrain themselves from killing un-armed black men in non-violent situations. How are a bunch of wannabes expected to show restraint?  Has everyone forgotten what happened in Wisconsin when Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed multiple people, while being a vigilante? Because if this has

If you have an issue with kids at a bar, then never go to Oktoberfest in Munich. You never know who you’ll be sharing a table with. I’ll never forget how shocked I was to see an entire family of parents, grandparents, and little kids sit down next to me.

Right now I think everyone could use a little Ted Lasso.  Best show of 2020. Barbecue Sauce!

Waterboarding a stunt double instead of the actor isn’t any better.

His dad is a Billionaire Russian Oligarch who agreed to bankroll the team so his son has a seat in F1.  He’s not going anywhere, since his father is rumored to be buying the team next year.  

After 2020 and nearly 600M Covid deaths, I think it’s safe to say that Republicans shouldn’t be making any health related decisions for anyone.

The fact that Wakanda, a fictitious African nation, had the audacity to hide their advance technology from the rest of the world, damn near sent foxnews into meltdown.  

I know this show gets decent rating, but how many scandals can it survive?

The only overtake was Mick passing Maz at the hairpin on the first lap.  Seb came out of the pits ahead of Gas and Ham.  If you watched qualy, then there is no need to watch the race.