
Gtasks for me, though I might try Astrid when it has google tasks.

@paschott:Works great. I went to lencrafters this weekend, looked at the price tag, put my fresh pair of $10 shades on and left. I'd love if they had a pair with glass, scratch resistant lenses but I don't want to pay a premium. I've gone through 3 pair in the last 6 months for various reasons. I have no problem

What I really want a program that will display different images every time I go to my login screen (few and far in between these days) or when my pc is locked. I have over 1700 WS wallpapers on my pc, more on my NAS. If I wanted 1 image I wouldn't need to change the default in the first place (well I would but you

USA!!! Gooo&^*% *garbled english*

It's more about getting fired rather than feeling guilty. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people come back from vacation and get fired because the company found some problem with it....or decided to pull something.

I use a Thecus N4100Pro I got of eBay. 3.76TB [6TB Raw] on 4 1.5TB Seagates. I uses little energy (about 150w) I think and is ultra quiet. It's not lightning fast but I can get consistantly 30MB/s read and 15MB/s write.

VOTE: Roboform

I'll go with [] because I have found alot of music through it. It's also nice to have running record of what you play and see you changing insterests over time. My music is alot different now then it was 4 years ago when I signed up.

I've been trying to learn Japanese for years. I won't even attempt to get the written part down but I'm determined to at least get the spoken. It's hard when you don't hear it everyday.

Acronis works for me. I have it make weekly backups to my multi-TB NAS. It complains a bit when setting up the NAS as a backup location but otherwise works. I like that the backups are pretty small (even though I have plenty of storage). I've tried RSync but never got past downloading it.....maybe I'll give it a shot

did that monday.....only took a few hours to get everthing installed. yay for not installing alot of stuff during rc and having abundant nas space. no nice to copy most of my stuff off that instead of downloading it.

@Cornflakes: The best! Well worth $28 every month and a half.

Could of used this several months ago before having to go though 7 projects of 1-2GB a piece to find the lastest files.

That's nice! It's similar to whtt I want to do once I can find a good desk. Get another 24" and be able to place my tablet [Intous4 Large]. And then room for my other equipment.

@brodie7838: When does Siebel work in the first place?! I go out of my wait to make sure WHEN it crashes it doesn't take everything else I have with it.

I just include all of my main addresses in my resume. I use my "character" Next is my old msn account, "first name""mother's maiden" I've had for years. last is my * address for my home domain.

att can increase their crap all they want, won't stop me from dropping then as soon as I know who will carry the HD2 besides them. I put up with them after they brough Cingular hoping they would keep the same quality of service. Years later I have 1-2 bars max (on a good, clear day with alot of luch) around my house

I'm using a Thecus N4100 Pro. It has 6TB (3.76 after RAID5). That's connected to my D-Link DGL-4500 gigabit router.


No!! more wallpaper! I have about 1.17GB of 1920x1200 and up desktops already. One thing I really like with windows 7. I have it changing every 15 mins and I still have only seen part of my collection. It's seems I see my desktop more with windows 7 too so the more the better.