The only thing I don't like about libraries are that they don't like network folders/drives. Otherwise, I love anything that can make my already good filesystem a bit better across my 3 drives and NAS.
The only thing I don't like about libraries are that they don't like network folders/drives. Otherwise, I love anything that can make my already good filesystem a bit better across my 3 drives and NAS.
VOTE: Foxit Reader
I'll add a few things here as well. I've been working in a att center for 9-10 months.
@Smoke.x365: forgive the errors......9:30 hour day cleaning up more of at&t's crap does little for my grammar...
Went to join the air force about a year ago. they would let me because of the BMI. I'm about 6'~1-2", about 250lbs. I have a large frame and I've always been muscular no matter what. Built more like a football player. They told me to lose weight. Loosing weight would mean starting myself to get the the 225lb they…
I have well over 1200 wallpapers and I'm constantly adding more. How does this perform with a large folder and network drives?
Teracopy. Worked great for me when copying ~750GB to my nas. I've just allowed it to replace the windows shell copy.
It's a great idea but I imagine most people will simply get an tablet. This is great if you have the tools but not the most practical.
VOTE: MediaMonkey
I'm fine with caps as long as they are reasonable and allow for fluctuating usage. I may use 20GB 1 month and use 20GB a day the first week of the next. My usage varies wildly. If they want to use something like a bandwidth rollover cap then fine.
Photoshop, hands down, for me. 5 years and I'm still discovering new things. Can't wait to get a nice tablet and really get going.
I vote for Maxthon 2. Technically it is based on IE but it adds alot more to it. It's like FF for IE.
CCleaner is indispensable on my systems.