
Doesn’t the article essentially say this could very well be nothing? I think the whole point of the article is to say, “Hey, you guys are looking kinda shady by not getting back to us. This could be innocent, but it’s different from how any other club does it. So just provide an explanation, or ya know, just keep

This was great. Laughed out loud in my office. The side-note on the Bucs was the greatest touch.

Na, they have no clue. You’d be surprised at how little this industry actually knows. Pet food is all trends and marketing and Veterinarians, although important, are also just a big bunch of fucking shysters who know a lot less than they will let on. Science Diet is the biggest scam of them all and Vets push that

If you want to know, the toxin is in the skin membrane. I work for a company that uses grapeseed extract in a pet product.

Why do I feel like we have heard this email of the week already? Not as an email of the week, but I am pretty sure this story was already posted on a Gawker post.... like a "your worst romantic gesture fails" or something like that.

I've learned to just avoid the accelerator AND brakes when it comes to fishtailing, or changing lanes, or going over a bridge, when it is snowy or icy. A fishtail is easy to get out of if you are calm and like Albert said, the brakes and accelerator just will just make it worse if you are not good at driving in snow.

So you're taking Sherman's circumstances and using it as a basis for an argument that covers all athletes? Again, he is not arguing for himself.

I think you are missing the point they are making and why exactly they are saying this on the BIGGEST stage possible for them. They aren't really speaking up for themselves , they clearly mentioned several times that they are talking about the much larger percentage of athletes who were chewed up and spit out. Your

I was always taught the line, "Statistics don't lie, Statisticians do."

I think that's Adrian's point as well....

I think you may be more in line with Adrian's views than you think. I think his point was that this movie DIDN'T tackle the grey areas. It was basic and avoided politicizing something that is inherently political. It showed you something realistic, but didn't necessarily show you something true. It gave us Kyle

Good point but also, isn't Seattle just the NBA's version of what the NFL has in LA. IMO, they don't want any team in Seattle until all other teams have gotten their updated Arenas and facilities paid for by the taxpayers. Seriously, you have a city in a somewhat major market just dying to take anyone's team. They

Ahhh yes, and here is a guy who clearly has no idea what he is talking about when he says, "a victory that helps justify the stadium as an investment". I am guessing at this point you have already written off my comment since "I have a bitter lens", but good lord, you might want to educate yourself a little. Super

It's probably the softball team considering they have other NSFW photos under the tag #ncaahotties

I said this in a different thread and I'll say it again because it's not like the Avalanch werent handed their fair share of good calls too..

Of course there's no way to know if the series would have been different if offsides had been rightfully called in game 5 during Colorado's tying goal, or if holding had been called in game 5 when Coyle's arm was grabbed when he had an open net and no one in front of him....... or how different game 7 would have been

Let's be honest, no one cares about the fine no matter how big it is. Money is never going to be an issue for this guy.

Barry, my guess is they take the biggest cop-out of a solution and just suspend him indefinitely. That way they people will chill out a bit by thinking he could be gone for a long time and the NBA can get through the playoffs while trying to decide how they can force him out in a non-public way.

I grew up in Minnesota which means I had no choice but to take my hockey very seriously. It was great because it required me to play year-round in a sport that requires a climate that no one likes. Like 9 months of shit ass weather wasn't enough, I spent countless beautiful summer days packed into 20 pounds of

I agree with what you are saying about the Vikings logo, except I think it looks like an M instead. The V on the chest helps create the M and of course has its own meaning. But again, not recognizable from far away.