I know this goes against Deadspin’s Anti-Mayo editorial position, but chicken salad is an awesome meal with very little prep if you do it right. Your choice on whether it ends up a sandwich or a salad.
I know this goes against Deadspin’s Anti-Mayo editorial position, but chicken salad is an awesome meal with very little prep if you do it right. Your choice on whether it ends up a sandwich or a salad.
2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because…
And don’t even get me started on people who post comments on internet articles.
You are the opposite of terrible. Kids are terrible.
Wait - if the judge is a Stanford alumnus, why was he allowed to try the case? Shouldn't he have removed himself from it because of his connection to the school?
Thank you. Two things can be true— we can acknowledge that this is more than most rapists get, while maintaining that it is insufficient. Additionally, I would argue that he WAS coddled, and the judge WAS lenient, because he’s a rich white kid, drenched in privilege. Let’s be real, black and brown rapists would never…
The Daily Beast said Persky “coddled” Turner; the petitioners said the sentence was “lenient.” Yet they’re both wrong. The truth is that Brock Turner will spend more time in jail than 97 percent of rapists.
He’s 16, she’s 15, and by all accounts it was consensual.
“Few people seem to care about our sport. What’s the move here?”
When people call the NHL a Mom and Pop league I didn’t realize it was because they’re not letting us go out with our friends on school nights.
The sense of entitlement people have in this country is staggering and dangerous.
How did you get this strip? Did you type in Archie+fuckboy+Mrs Grundy+cougar into google images
My set was a refurb. I never would have known if it wasn’t on the product page. Everything was in perfect shape.
My set was a refurb. I never would have known if it wasn’t on the product page. Everything was in perfect shape.
I stole the words from an old post about the same product, and didn’t read carefully. Clearly, I needed some iced coffee this morning.
I stole the words from an old post about the same product, and didn’t read carefully. Clearly, I needed some iced…
Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.
Later on Iggy says she’ll cut off half an inch, which means we have some inconsistent data about how big his dick is.
Uhh yea you can. You only need to remove laptops and liquids from your bag. Otherwise, put your entire, packed bag through.