Evans is simply the best ever to work on the SNES. The tracks of his used in The Flintstones are outrageously sick.
Evans is simply the best ever to work on the SNES. The tracks of his used in The Flintstones are outrageously sick.
I get what the car’s engine is tuned for. My wife's Nissan Rogue? Regular is fine. My 2005 GTO? It compresses the fuel/air at a higher ratio, so it gets high octane only. Folks in the US are way too easily confused by the use of terms like "premium."
“On May 13, a Pickens County, South Carolina, Sheriff’s Office deputy attempted to pull over a 2007 Pontiac G6 after noticing the plates mounted on the car were apparently stolen”
So the result of the collision is so unlikely, the most sensible explanation is that it happened twice?
Prince of Thieves <<< Robin of Sherwood with Michael Praed
My interest in GBA games while they were contemporary was largely limited to “retro” offerings - at the time, a return to 2D platforming was fairly novel. Nostalgia is an ouroboros.
It’s embarrassing how happy the return of the Noid makes me
I too have seen Denis Leary's standup
I checked an online inflation calculator and it said that $23.5k in 2004 bucks was now equivalent to about $33k. Sounds like current Mini prices are pretty good actually.
There are two As in the title. No matter how close the F is to the I, it doesn't look the same. The font is fine.
You’re def confusing Chicago for Detroit here
“boys’ eating habits change around their 14th birthday”
Why. The. Fuck. did you eat cat food
Pretty sure you're eating the same amount of stuff either way. It's like thinking ten $10 bills is worth more than 5 $20s.
Loui's rules
*Stay-Puft ;)
I haven't had Boyardee ravioli in years, maybe decades. Reading this article has made me sad to realize that and now I'm craving it. Thanks?
I clicked the headline for discussion of Detroit pizza but I had to come to the comments
Familiarity with the show isn't necessary to enjoy the game, but an appreciation for NES platformers is. If that's your thing then go for it, but if not then it isn't going to change your mind.
Darlene has always been so generous toward fans of the games she’s worked on. It’s been...sheesh, nearly 20 years since she showed up on a buddy’s Bravenet board to answer our questions. That board is long gone, but one of us had the foresight to archive her responses: