
Why do you dub any parent that bought this game for their under 18 child as having no sense. Have you ever thought that some bought the game knowing what it was, and realizing that their kids were not idiotic enough to take it as anything real or a glorification of violence.

I don't think "Breaking Dead" sounds right. The version in my head is way better.

"Previously on AMC's Walking Bad...."

I came here looking for some reference to her - now I can go to work with my mind at ease.

Brienne of Tarth

Excuse me?

YEAH, FUCK SIMON! Simon can't tell the god of tits and wine what to do!

I find the whole pass through thing pointless, considering TVs have multiple hdmi ports.

I read the title and thought they were finally allowing for cross-platform play...

I never seen 2 lemon fuck, I'd be interested in looking.

I find most people jump on their phones to avoid looking alone, say being in an uncomfortable room with people who are talking and you don't wan't to stand there like a lemon.

It's inevitable :P

This is why we need GTAV on the PC - to make a great game greater.

Just found this on FB.

'Shopped. Looks like someone took the pen tool to break it up into different pieces and put a dark outer glow on it. Have you broken a CD? It doesn't quite break like that :P Call me out if I'm wrong.

Looks fake, especially since the gap in the piece is still darkened despite the entire photo being well lite.

Maybe this will encourage Rockstar to push out a PC release soon yea?....RIGHT?!??....I really wanna play GTA V on my PC T-T

Of course PC only >:)


How is it odd? They have to see what they are doing? You find it odd when a keyboarder plays with the sound on?

Teamwork: sometimes not enough to avoid the occasional friendly fire.