An intern being put to work doing nothing but QA testing? That's not an intern position, that's free labour and a bad manager.
An intern being put to work doing nothing but QA testing? That's not an intern position, that's free labour and a bad manager.
Good for him for sticking it to a massive corporation. Even if I do like Sony.
That's a pussy, all right.
It's gotta feel incredibly liberating being able to do that. I really wish I could.
I love Jesse and all, but I'd be more excited if Badger called me.
we don't talk about it.
The thing is, being a feminist has nothing do to with this. You chose to bring that topic to the conversation when it wasn't needed. You could have jusy voiced your opinion, and i agree with you ;)
I would think it would have been apparent by the title alone. The series has been out for a long while now, and its not like it hasn't made the news before.
Against what? It's fucking true, Nintendo fanboys are like a different breed of fanboy compared to MS and Sony (hardcore Sony fangirl right here), all three groups are highly annoying. But Nintendo fanboys are fiercely loyal to the brand.
Geek used SCREECH!
It's super effective!
While the drink might have existed in the past
I've never seen "mary jane" used as a verb. Something tells me this guy is already high.
Dick or not, he's completely right.
Pretty much. For me PC gaming has become Steam.
Well, if there is any fanbase mature enough to handle gender equality....
Nomination: Razer DeathAdder.