Yes its read legal with "Tyres" covers & a small windscreen
Its similar to a Caterham which is totally road legal
Yes its read legal with "Tyres" covers & a small windscreen
Its similar to a Caterham which is totally road legal
It's amusing how hilariously outdated some people's attitudes toward marijuana are on here. It's not the 50's. Weed is not a big deal anymore. You probably know at least half a dozen people more successful than you are who smoke it.
CorridorDigital always do excellent work.
The solution is to just not buy an Apple product period.
People are dumb.. plain and simple. I still have customers that call Blu-rays "CDs"
Wait... so this app does pretty much the same thing as literally any paint/photo manipulation software but people are paying money in it to get new stickers for photos?
Allow me to quote from the book of /b/:
You've never heard of Carmack? I didn't even think that was possible...
Why play a Bethseda game on something that isn't a PC? No mods to add features and extend the game's lifespan, no console commands for the inevitable bug that will slip in and can easily be resolved by a quick command or two.
Man its like watching your friend try to pick up a chick over and over, only to become more pathetic with each failed attempt.
This commercial is just going to confuse people even more. They start out by saying how you don't need the Wii U gamepad but it makes games better, like bacon on a cheeseburger. Fair enough. But this makes it sound as though the Wii U gamepad is just an accessory to the Wii. This is really poor messaging. Terrible…
Hey, whatever tickles their pickle. If they're happy, I'm happy. That being said, it'd be the most embarrassing thing in existence if she said no.
Here you go.
Hahahaha! I cracked up so hard when I saw this. Actually had to play it back a few times just for laughs.
Keyboard/mouse > pad...tell me more about about how we don't want superior gameplay/substance.
Mods, graphics, customization, wider selection of peripherals, and shit if we wanna get into "meeting people" link your Facebook and IRL friends! I mean console gaming works and all, but PC has a clear advantage if you're…
If I spend money on my PC it's because building my personal computer is my passion (and my dad's before me), I don't play much anymore, I just enjoy building and messing with my thing :)
This seems pretty self explanatory to me. Obviously both this guy's wife died, and he traded his Sega Saturn in to Gamestop. The kid is like...."I miss her!" Meaning, his mom. But the dad is more grieving about the Saturn. So he automatically assumes the kid is also grieving about the Saturn. It's a fairly…
Pat Robertson is 83. Is his opinion really worth paying attention to at this point? I'm not trying to be mean, but come on. The generation gap is quite vast in this example.
I feel the only good Infinity Ward titles they did for this series were 2 and 4. MW2 and 3 weren't as good. Wasn't a fan of the lack of mod support for either.