
What bothers me the most is that i thought GQ were a mens mag, and one on the classier side of mens mags. Why the fuck do their readers want to read about One Direction? And enough to have 5 covers to encourage collecting!!!???

Well im presuming the multiple covers are to take advantage of the people who don't usually

Can we not have Daft Punk and One Direction on the same sentence? Preferably not even on the same website?

I'm out.

The one thief who knew how to drive stick, and you baffled him with a disguised automatic, brilliant!

Article title should be beer batters fish, fez 2 fried

I'm surprised so many gamers are willing to sell their games for so cheap. I used to sell my games to Gamestop many years ago, and then I realized how much they were ripping me off. Giving me literally pennies for games they'd put on the shelf for $20 or more. Then I started selling games on Craigslist and would make


I really miss the golden days of CoD 4. Say what you will about the later games but 4 was damn near perfect for a good stretch of time. I had countless nights of fun with friends over XBL in parties. Nothing beats all nighters with 6 friends doing HQ or HCSAD. My 17 days of online playtime we very well spent.

eventually my friend, you and I, our kind, we must have patience... soon... very soon...

Cant speak to Walking Dead, but Breaking Bad's worth it. If youre thinking about watching it again, just stop thinking and do it to it.

The heavy in the beginning is the best.

Nice to see Russians enjoy the same craptacular music Americans do.

Mister F!

That truck is missing a giant red trailer. And flames. And matte black paint.

I like my women like I like my wine. Locked up and in the basement

"Learn to hunt"
Chases pig in open field with a shotgun. :D

Yeah it's fucking hideous. It reminds me of those "realistic" texture packs for Minecraft that tons of people use for some reason.

Now playing

This remains among my favorite prank calls. It's a few years old, but I adore it.

Ork Lootas... is there nothing sacred?