That's more than generous, I think there's a decimal point missing.
That's more than generous, I think there's a decimal point missing.
I work with a Fair Housing group and I'm surprised that shelters are allowed to discriminate against people with service animals. Here in PA you don't even need to prove that your service animal has been trained, only that a doctor has certified that you need the animal. That's it, nothing more. I know it is too late…
A guy here. Fully shaved kinda freaks me out because it looks pre-pubesent and that's just creepy to me. Please leave some hair, thanks. That said, my wife and I agree that pubic hair busting out of the swimsuit on men or women is not appealing.
Potomac German Auto in Maryland. Back when I had a 1968 230 sedan, this was the most wondrous place. A junkyard devoted to old Mercedes Benz. Just fantastic. I just checked their website and it looks like they've added BMW and Audi but it was the acres of old Benzes that won my heart. []
That's so nice of you to get for pauljones! Jalops are such a thoughtful bunch. You are, of course, going to send it to him for ChrismaHannuKwanzaaKaa aren't you? At least scan it and make a t-shirt of it for him.
Lucy in Margate, NJ. built in 1881.
It may have gotten horrible reviews (I've never driven one) but it has NOT gotten bad crash ratings: []
I completely agree. The complexity of modern cars dooms them to short lifespans. The age of cars lasting 20+ years is over. Let's just start with the complexity of dashboards, an early adopter of the digital dash was the Buick Reatta. How many daily driven Buick Reattas do you see anymore? Today's cars may be better…
Well stated.
Thanks for the laugh. I needed that.
I don't care for the wheels but I'm loving that green.
Very well done. Thank you for that.
There's plenty of inexpensive parking in Philly, it just depends on how far you want to walk. East of Broad and North of Market it is easy to find lots with early bird specials of $9, so even without a monthly contract you'd only pay $180. My new office building parking (west of Broad, on Market) has $270/month…
I live 1 block away from one of the few roundabouts in Philadelphia and it is a great example of why roundabouts don't work in America.
That is so fantastic! I can't believe I haven't come across that before.
J.B.- He was a total jerk but he did have a very fine car. I couldn't stand him but I loved his car. I was actually bummed when it got smashed up
His commentary is priceless.
Amen brother! That is why I'm contemplating rebuilding the old 22R and keeping my 2wd '87 Toyota longbed until I die, it is the right size. I can load crap in it from the back or the sides all day long without killing my back. I can park in normal parking spots and I can see out of it. Compared to all other trucks it…
That's good to hear. My first thought after watching that was, "That a-hole needs to be suspended for a while." Racing is an aggressive sport but that is definitely NOT how you work your aggression out.
The miracle of the interwebz will never cease. That is one of the most awesome gifs I've ever seen.