Should have coughed up a little more money and gotten a camera mount.
Should have coughed up a little more money and gotten a camera mount.
I don't know exactly which Aston model it its, but there is one like this that I have seen on my evening commute a number of times and it is so beautiful it makes me whimper and try to get as close as possible so I can absorb as much of its beauty as possible.
I think this is the best looking mid-engine Ferrari in a long time (The 550/575 Maranello is my other favorite recent Ferrari, so I had to specify the mid-engine models; I haven't liked one of those since the F40).
True. IIRC an LMP2 car won at Laguna Seca a few years back but they would never beat an LMP1 car at lemans unless the entire LMP1 field had mechanical problems... But, then again, didn't something like that happen at Daytona or LeMans a few years ago and GT-1 car won the overall? That's why I love endurance racing,…
I once got pulled over because I slowed down when a cop merged into the lane next to me. He didn't write me up for anything but it was definitely a "those guys look suspicious and now they're slowing down... Light 'em up Danno" moment. It was 3am Thanksgiving day and no one else was on the road. I was 20 and my…
I don't think it is quite like that. IIRC LMP1 vs LMP2 is not about manufacturers or not, LMP1 runs larger displacement engines, bigger tires, and heavier minimum weights. It is kind of like the old Lola T70 (5.0l, heavy-ish, somewhat brutish) vs Chevron B19/21/23 (2.0l featherweight awesomeness). The big cars are…
Well played. I'd promote this if I could.
That is so terrifyingly bad-ass that it has to count. Nothing like fighting the propensity to wheelie and having the exhaust, and probably plenty of flames, pumping out right in front of you to make the morning commute more entertaining.
Agreed. 6.9 0-60 and 45MPG! Sign me up.
Thank God it's got independent rear suspension.
I prefer the more delicate lines of the 1st gen. On the 2nd gen, the wheels aren't the only thing that is chunky... To me the second gen looked so bloated in comparison to the 1st that I was horrified at the time it came out.
I love those. There is something about the size and proportions that is just so right.
I totally agree. A good condition late 80's S-class is a great looking car. The proportions are so right and the detailing is clean. Definitely a car on my family sedan short list.
Or to be even more like a modern Se7en, they could license the design and manufacturing rights to interested parties and there could be a whole cottage industry of Elise manufacturers and buyers happily ever after, Catherham Elise, Birkin Elise, Locost Elise, Brunton Elise, SimpleElise, Westfield Elise, and on and…
I was wondering when you were going to run out of names.