
The best-looking games on the PS3 are graphically superior to anything the 360 could ever do, and that's a fact. Also, the XMB is factually smoother than the Metro dashboard.

Yeah, the beta is pretty great. However, for some reason, Mercenary does not have a botzone mode (confirmed for final game, not talking about just the beta). :(

I guess they're just not doing it with mobile Killzone games, seeing as Liberation didn't have it... meh.

I get no Skyrim-ish vibe.

Skyrim's gameplay is an unpolished turd.

Lol, you can even play multiplayer by YOURSELF in the Killzone games. Botzone is an amazing fucking thing.

Don't forget, they're also making EVERY Star Wars game from now on. :D

Don't forget, they're also making EVERY Star Wars game from now on. :D


What the fuck is up with Russians and dashcams?

You serious?

I just think she's hot, so I want lil' Jimmy to have a Miley-treat, if you know what I mean.

You said you can't do it in the game. But you can.

I've killed plenty of old women pedestrians with a shotgun in GTA IV. :|

I can't wait until I see her bangin'.

Thanks for the source, as his avatar pumps my vein, too.


Be free, my child.

Lol, my Xbox 360's kept red-ringing, so I made my current gen HD system of choice the PS3. Plus, there is absolutely no exclusive on the Xbox One (or even 360) that interests me (maybe Titan Fall and Project Spark, but they have PC versions).

I play on Sony, Nintendo, SEGA and even Microsoft (Windows, OG Xbox) platforms. I ain't no sheep, bro.

I want a damn Conker's Bad Fur Day MMO.