Kind of crazy you’d take a bullet for a van right?
Kind of crazy you’d take a bullet for a van right?
Fuck this guy. They cripple a law and otherwise rally against a system it created nonstop since its inception for fear of the political credit that a twice popularly-elected President would get for its success. That’s all this and all its opposition ever was. Obama gave them the free-market republican solution.…
Don’t delete your comment and don’t beat yourself up for feeling angry at the morons. There are millions of people in this country gleefully cheering while rich white guys take shit from them.
Thank you! That’s high praise, considering you drive like 3.7 miles a year. (I’m not a math guy.)
+1 for teaching me the name of the part of a plant embryo that develops into the primary root.
No couple REALLY cues up an episode of Real Sex to get in the mood.
Get ready for him to use Syria as his prime example.
Ah, but how to you relieve the “Morning Glory*” effect the next day?
* When you take your daily constitutional and those pain receptors in your butt, fire off.
Yes, even in progressive cities there is a lot of ignorance out there. Largely perpetuated by me.
While I’m not sure if today’s antifa in Berkeley are college kids or what, there DID used to be a bunch of skinheads and affiliated Nazis that would show up at punk shows in the ‘90s, and generally speaking only went away because they got punched too often. So I suspect for some of these kids, it’s a little more…
I can’t tell if this is the least HamNo post I’ve ever read or the most HamNo post I’ve ever read.
It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.
I don’t ask for much.
If you just want to see unionized workers make excuses for why black people deserve to be killed, we already have police unions.
Baseball is like the Paul Lazzaro of sports: “That corporal. He’ll get back home after the war. He’ll be a big hero. Dames’ll be climbin’ all over him. Couple of years go by, and one day there’s gonna be a knock on his door and there’ll be this stranger. ‘Paul Lazzaro sent me,’ the stranger will say and then he’ll…
Would you be surprised to know they released #28 last year?
It’s what Peggy would’ve wanted. Something strong and classy.
Prostitutes from Horry County?
My sexuality woke up when he called Molly Ringwald a bitch.