That or Blake Bortles would be pretty amazing haha
Edit: Sorry, I’m jumping ahead here, thinking Superbowl
That or Blake Bortles would be pretty amazing haha
Edit: Sorry, I’m jumping ahead here, thinking Superbowl
ooh wow, really? All the other Super Bowls happened in Decemeber that’s super weird
Also I hope Nick Foles turns into Superman and wins a Super Bowl because 2017 is WEIRD
Every group of dudes I passed walking to work today in Philly was talking about ACLs like fucking expert physicians
Yes no one please ungray that fuckin MAGA chud
Trump supporters are fully aware of the fact that they’re eating shit economically when they sign on to support him, it’s just that they feel that’s the lesser evil to whatever hysterical shit they think democrats want.
I NP’d it but why would anyone ever actually do this?
I was once a 20 something know it all that first discovered politics and talked about shit I didn’t know 24/7 too. It gets better.
Imagine the pompous arrogance that goes into calling yourself an “actual leftist” haha. Grow up.
I’m from old Gawker, where no one ever posted anything that wasn’t snark
and he did it all without even being born in the United States
Good thing both parties are the same right guys?
oh she’s going to have a great week, for sure
44 million followers, at least half of which are not real, but I’m spit balling he has about 120 million haters who are all probably very real all of whom are now looking in her direction.
I’m not even mad
Bonus points for anyone that happens to know who’s portrait adorns this particular room and perhaps was hanging right behind Donald Trump’s big dumb fucking head
The thought of getting this Baby from current state “Got her running pretty good” to “driving it across the country from the east coast to put in Radwood” makes my heart skip a beat, but if that ever happens, it’s at least 10 years from now at the rate I’m going
my E30 had one and it was actually easier to get to a lot of stuff if you had to work on something
was going to CP this until I saw the engine bay. Anything that clean can’t possibly have been abused
well if South Dakota needs anything, surely it’s yet another incentive for people to move far the hell away from there after receiving an education