Oh come on. What couple hasn’t shown a little public tiff in front of hundreds of people, world leaders, cameras from news stations all over the world and a military marching band?
Oh come on. What couple hasn’t shown a little public tiff in front of hundreds of people, world leaders, cameras from news stations all over the world and a military marching band?
probably a weird question but how does one (non-journalist) go about getting FBI records for a deceased family member? My grandfather was an interesting dude with some pretty strange views and had a messy relationship with the Army when he was in service around the Korean War. Was discharged well before his contract…
I’ve been saying he’s totally going to resign if he gets too close to impeachment and spend the rest of his life in Russia, essentially in asylum. And I haven’t been joking at all haha
I’ll bet when this is all over Trump lives in fucking Russia haha
Pepe the Frog getting killed was kind of the turning point for Trump. Any day now MPs will be marching him out of the white house
yeah this is actually important can we have a poll or something? I’ve been saying flipped my entire life
Solid bet, that
well I’m pretty sure at the very least, it’s been proven that Hillary Clinton uses email and not fax
He’s literally never had a dog
If a barfing went down, I’d probably be forced to take car seats out and do a proper cleaning. Not really sure how poop could end up being hidden, but if that’s a thing that happens, maybe I am one of those parents who have their shit together after all because it’s never happened to me.
What does happen, is months…
definitely law and order SVU, but not because of some weird fetish shit (which may be a factor) but way more because it’s Always. Fucking. On.
And on multiple channels at that.
The chances of spending a half hour heavy petting and getting worked up and suddenly hearing that music is about 50/50.
beat him by 1 minute, well done
I am! Fights just aren’t what they used to be in that sport though
speaking of cool sports videos, anybody else remember the Rock Em Sock Em Hockey VHS tapes with Don Cherry? Let’s Gooooooo
Christ, this must have been difficult to write are you day drinking
this shit’s getting stoled
Can I order this gif with Jason Chaffetz’ face imposed over his, Trump’s face imposed over the cat’s and Hillary’s face imposed over the cards?
Well 2018 should be fun guys
he’s campaigning to be the president of the Confederacy
I think he knows he’s pretty well fucked, and he’s going around the South holding rallies so that he can be their president when they secede, and what a deal that is. We get rid of Mississippi and Alabama AND they take Trump off our hands?
Haha win/win bitches.