
My dad puts a piece of american cheese on his PB&Js. It has slowly been tearing my family apart for years.

That is a good decision, it is called an Italian sub and is not at all weird.

Oh, please.

I hope someone runs you over.

The only thing missing was Little Caesar finishing off the segment with his trademark phrase "Penis! Penis!"

Packed my kid's thermos with Redd's Apple Ale. LOL.

I don't have kids but when I was 10, I played an April fools joke on my dad. I had a pair of plastic toy tweezers and hid behind the couch my dad was napping on, and kept plucking his arm hairs. He'd wake up, rub his arm a bit, then go back to sleep. Did this 3 times before I got caught and had to barricade myself in

yes, you don't know what a kick is

There's a whole section on kicking (rule 49) which actually describes the determination of what a kicking goal is or isn't, but instead you're citing 78.5 (i) which is not actually related to kicked goals. I know that it's not related because the very next item, 78.5 (ii), is "When the puck has been kicked using a

Hey Captain! Open up! We've got to install these microwave ovens!

If he has superior android strength, why couldn't Data just have broken down the door?

That was incredibly nerdy and fascinating at the same time. +1

They are stenographers. I am a stenographer, but I don't do closed captioning, I do court reporting in the courts. The reason you see an error like this is because they are stroking multiple keys at once at anywhere between 225-350 words per minute, and sports captioning is incredibly difficult because of the

Two Dogs Fucking

is it econdave?

She's got a real weird, half lips/half Hitlerstache thing going on that is.....unsettling.

Putting your phone away should maybe top the list.

"Perhaps an anniversary, maybe a retirement party, maybe your goddamn mother-in-law only ever eats at five-star Michelin-rated restaurants."