
Thank you for the writeup LifeHacker!

And every crowd character model is still a jpeg.

I'd respond, but typing leaves me winded.

Is this from the CIC on the Galactica? o.O

Please read the article before commenting.

Drat, no G700 mouse.

...pic not related?

You mean she looks more like a person than a video game character.

Because the artist can draw whatever the hell he wants?

The irony is that you're literally the only commenter who's said this in these comments.

But yes, tell us more about how annoying it is when feminists.

Oh shut up. Don't like it, don't look at it, it's not for you, it's for us, the people who appreciate it.

If you are of a certain age, you know what comes to mind at the 0:14 mark of the first video.

You've never played Day Z, or you're playing it wrong.

I agree. Polygon is beautiful. Article layouts are generous, informative, and pleasant to look at.

Lists! I like lists! When I list things I put them in lists! Lists make sense to me! Lists are a handy way of getting lots of organised information in a small space! Your brain works pretty well with lists! Why do people hate lists?

Kotaku...talking about good web design and user interface?

Ugh, People really like that "Blocks of Blocks" shit that everyone is using now?

I find big picture mode significantly more annoying to navigate than the lists on Steam...

Then again, I don't use a phone/tablet for gaming... or I dunno... have glaucoma.

The last time a a machine was called Christine, things didn't turn out that well

How dare you not mention Gordon Gekko in this post! I want one to look like a ruthless businessman in my office! It goes perfect with any double breasted suit!

You mad