never said I was expecting it to... O.o I was just reinforcing arch's point of game size
never said I was expecting it to... O.o I was just reinforcing arch's point of game size
I swear by snapseed on my Galaxy S4. It's not photoshop (which I also have on my phone) but it's super powerful and easy-to-use and really can be an amazing on the go editor.
Pretty sure last time I had BF4 installed it was around 25 gigs. I know my wow folder is around 30
Anyone else not able to search for it on device, or on the play website? I had to follow the permalink up top and then have it direct me to the play install... which is... weird.
Fly, Neo... Fly!
I hate to agree with you. I see entirely too many articles posted on Gawker that are horribly written. Great info, but terrible execution. And it's always up to the commenters to be editors. It's sad, really. Almost makes me yearn for print...
EVERY. STINKIN. TIME! And back stage, when Bill's plan is found out and he rages, "I GOT THE LOOT FIRST, STEVE!!!"
I'll tell ya... Many have tried since, but TNT did an absolute KILLER job on this. It's damn accurate, and really in-depth. It even kept my girlfriend interested, and she's not interested in anything tech. As long as Netflix and Angry Birds works, she really doesn't care.
That being said; the music tracks are entirely…
I never tire of that compilation. You never really pick up on it on the show... but when you see it like this. Ohhh, so good.
*Shamefully hangs head and walks away* okay...
It's already been brought up a bunch of times... but your padawan status has been revoked, Jesus. You're now sentenced to scrubbing the Academy latrine (Wookie wing) for the rest of your life.
I started playing Marvel Heroes STRICTLY for Rocket. I started with Black Widow. Got a random character drop and BOOM! ROCKET! Dude... I was dancin and singing!
I use Hola to watch Big Brother Canada's live cameras (i'm in Michigan) and BBC's iPlayer when Doctor Who runs. It's friggin fantastic. And a wee bit illegal. lol
Me. Right now. All the fatness. All the excite.
This was such a guilty pleasure of mine as a kid (and I started watching it trying to relate to this chick I was into...).
There's no velocity here. It's more closely akin to teleportation. Not propulsion.
That just trumped the GoPro video. Like... tenfold.
So.... This means DVD rips are available? Cool. lol
I'm glad I wasn't the only crazy person who stumbled onto this movie and enjoyed the hell out of it. It was so over-the-top it was beautiful. Not to mention, John MOTHERFUCKING HURT!!!
The magic system was the only drawback. The great thing is: there were SO MANY different ways to play this game. And no matter how you beat it, it was rewarding. Definitely my most played, and most favorite, Final Fantasy to date.
it's because you can't see her face.